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发布时间:2018-06-16 01:47

  本文选题:督促程序 + 通常诉讼程序 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:督促程序设置的原始效用在于简单、快速地处理民事案件,帮助债权人收取债权,取得执行依据。但是我国督促程序设置的二十多年来,却没有如预料中的那样取得令人满意的制度效果。究其原因,一是督促程序的内部体制不完善;二是督促程序制度在外部上缺少与通常诉讼程序的良好沟通与衔接,且后者是督促程序不能良好运行的关键性因素。2012年8月31日,我国新民诉法在有关程序的衔接问题上进行了突破性地立法,,使得二程序之间的关系不再孤立。而由新民诉法所引发的新问题是:二程序的衔接制度规定太过概括,以致在司法实践中缺少可操作性。 除引言外,本文正文共分为四个部分。 第一部分是督促程序与通常诉讼程序的概述。该部分主要对域外督促程序和通常诉讼程序进行了概括性的介绍,并对我国督促程序和通常诉讼程序的概念进行了界定。督促程序指,对于以特定限额的金钱或有价证券为给付标的的申请,基层法院仅以债权人单方申请的形式合法性为依据,发出支付令,并赋予支付令与生效判决同一效力的特别程序。若债务人合法异议,将导致诉讼程序的启动。但该启动可因债权人的异议而被排除。而通常诉讼程序指民事纠纷案件所通常适用的程序,包括第一审程序和第二审程序。 第二部分是对域外督促程序与通常诉讼程序衔接立法和司法实践的介绍。该部分通过立法与程序运行流程相结合的方式,介绍了督促程序之母国——德国,以及程序移植国——法国、日本和我国台湾地区在督促程序与通常诉讼程序衔接环节上的处理方式。通过图表的方式,从主体——案件的管辖——诉状的补正——案件的受理——费用的处理等环节对督促程序与通常诉讼程序的衔接进行了系统性的介绍,发现各环节中的优势,以期为我国相关问题的解决提供有意义的借鉴。 第三部分是域外督促程序与通常诉讼程序衔接的经验总结与法理分析。该部分先是对域外一些国家和地区有关程序衔接的实践经验进行了抽象性的概括与总结,以为我国相关制度的完善提供借鉴。后从法理的角度对督促程序和通常诉讼程序的性质与功能进行探析。在性质上,督促程序与通常诉讼程序存在区别:非讼性与诉讼性、略式性与完备性、非对抗性与对抗性,但是,二程序又具有“性质划分标准的相对性”与“法理适用的交错性”方面的联系,从而肯定了督促程序与通常诉讼程序相衔接的内在规定性。 又从功能角度分析,总结出督促程序具有多样化案件的处理方式、简速化案件处理程序及缓解当事人“畏讼”、“厌讼”的心理压力的功能,而通常诉讼程序具有程序保障,发现案件真实,彰显司法权威的功能。进而从功能分析的角度探讨了督促程序与通常诉讼程序相衔接的协调性。 第四部分是我国督促程序与通常诉讼程序衔接概况。首先对我国督促程序与通常诉讼程序相衔接的立法发展与司法实践进行了粗略的概括,指出我国对相关程序衔接制度的研究虽然从未止步,但仍未深入的现状。其次,总结出我国新修《民事诉讼法》的颁布对我国督促程序与通常诉讼程序衔接存在的突破性进步与仍然需要完善的不足之处。同时,通过图示的形式揭示了我国督促程序与通常诉讼程序在对接过程中存在的一些未解决却又必须解决的问题。最后,从六个方面对我国督促程序与通常诉讼程序衔接的完善进行论述,即程序更迭的决定主体、案件管辖的确定、转入通常诉讼程序后的诉状补正、案件的受理、对诉的合并与分立问题的处理以及费用的处理。
[Abstract]:The original utility of the supervision procedure is to deal with civil cases simply and quickly , to help the creditor to collect the creditor ' s rights and to obtain the execution basis . But for more than 20 years , the supervision procedure of our country has not achieved the satisfactory system effect as expected . The reason is that the internal system of the supervision procedure is not perfect ;
Second , there is a lack of good communication and cohesion between the procedural system and the normal procedure , and the latter is the key factor to urge the procedure not to run well . On August 31 , 2012 , the new civil litigation law made a breakthrough in the connection of the procedure , so that the relationship between the two procedures is no longer isolated . The new problem caused by the new method is that the linking system of the two procedures is too broad so as to lack the operability in judicial practice .

In addition to the introduction , the text is divided into four parts .

The first part is an overview of the procedure and the general procedure of litigation . The part mainly defines the procedure of external supervision and the general procedure , and defines the concept of supervision procedure and ordinary litigation procedure in China .

The second part introduces the legislative and judicial practice of the connection between the external supervision procedure and the normal litigation procedure . This part introduces the process of supervising the procedure and the procedure of the procedure of procedure in Taiwan in the country of procedure , France , Japan and Taiwan in the way of combining legislation with the procedure of procedure .

The third part is the summary and the legal analysis of the connection between the external supervision procedure and the ordinary litigation procedure . First , the author summarizes and summarizes the practical experience of the connection of some countries and regions in the region , and analyzes the nature and function of the supervision procedure and the general litigation procedure from the angle of jurisprudence .

From the functional perspective , it is concluded that the supervision procedure has the function of dealing with the diversified cases , the handling procedure of the profile and the function of relieving the party ' s " fear of litigation " and the psychological pressure of the " Anaerobic First Instance " , and the general procedure has procedural safeguard , the truth of the case is found , and the function of judicial authority is revealed .

The fourth part is the summary of the connection between China ' s supervision procedure and ordinary litigation procedure .


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