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发布时间:2018-06-17 07:42

  本文选题:审判公开 + 审判流程公开 ; 参考:《太原科技大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), trial publicity has once again entered the public's field of vision. From the Supreme Court to the grassroots courts, trial openness has been continuously promoted in judicial reform, and certain results have been achieved in varying degrees. With the introduction of three platforms of judicial openness in the Supreme Court, trial publicity has been raised to a new height. At present, both in theory and in practice, trial openness is constantly improving. However, through practical investigation, we can find that the current trial openness is based on three platforms, the execution is relatively deficient, some courts are intentionally or unintentionally circumventing the open matter, which can not achieve the ideal effect. Therefore, starting from the theory of open trial, this paper first introduces the theoretical achievements of open trial at present. On this basis, the court and law firm in Taiyuan are investigated and the trial process is made public. Three aspects of judicial documents and implementation of the public information to do a questionnaire survey and interviews. On the basis of summing up the theoretical basis of the three open platforms, this paper analyzes the present situation of its implementation, and finds out the reasons for its poor execution and the ways of improvement, in order to promote the further development of the theory, and finally to guide the practice with the promotion of the theory. Gradually improve the existing problems in practice, truly open trial, truly make the people feel fair and justice in every case, and finally achieve the goal of rule by law.


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