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发布时间:2018-06-17 10:06

  本文选题:刑事人身检查 + 人权保障 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2010年博士论文

【摘要】:刑事人身检查(以下简称人身检查)又称身体检查、活体检查,它是指侦查人员在刑事诉讼过程中,以人的身体为对象,采用体表查看或身体样本采集方式所进行的一种调查取证活动。这项措施在刑事案件侦查中起到了重要作用,尤其是随着现代医学技术(如DNA识别)在侦查领域的大量运用,人身检查在身份同一性识别、生物痕迹比对等方面发挥了其他侦查行为所不具有的独特功能。但和其他侦查行为一样,人身检查也犹如一柄“双刃剑”,在给刑事案件侦查带来便利的同时,它也给公民权益带来威胁,更由于人身检查是直接针对人的身体所实施,因而它对公民隐私权、身体权等权利所造成的潜在威胁又比其他侦查行为更为明显。因此,当前世界上许多国家和地区都在刑事诉讼法中将人身检查作为重要内容之一加以细化规定,并随着时代的发展不断对其调整和完善,从而形成了各具特色的人身检查制度。而从我国情况来看,现行刑事诉讼法关于人身检查的相关规定简单且粗疏,明显滞后于实践发展的需要,立法供给的不足使得这一措施在实践运行之中出现了一系列问题,这些问题的存在暴露出现行人身检查制度之规定既不利于权利保护,也不利于犯罪控制。因此从程序法的角度研究这一侦查措施的法律规制,不仅具有重要的理论价值,也是实践中的迫切需要。正是在此背景下,笔者选取了“人身检查制度”作为自己的博士论文选题。 本论文以人身检查制度的法律完善为主线,围绕人身检查制度的法理基础、制度设置和实践状况三大核心问题展开,力图实现以下三个目标:一是力求比较深入地探讨人身检查制度的有关基本理论问题,以期更加准确、全面地把握这一侦查手段的本质,为完善我国人身检查制度奠定理论基础;二是力求全面阐释主要法治国家和地区有关人身检查制度立法的基本经验,揭示其共同理念和发展趋势,以期为我国人身检查制度的完善提供有益参照和借鉴;三是力求对我国人身检查实践现状进行一定深度的实证研究,分析我国人身检查制度完善的必要性及可行性,并在此基础上对我国人身检查制度的完善提出自己的见解。全文除引言外,由四章组成。 第一章从四个方面对人身检查的基本内容进行了阐述,以期为人身检查制度问题的研究奠定理论基础。人身检查制度问题的研究始于人身检查,因此本章在第一部分即对人身检查的基本内涵进行了阐释,这种阐述是从范围、性质和种类三个方面展开。本部分首先对本文研究意义上的人身检查之范围进行了界定,指出人身检查是侦查人员在刑事实施过程中,以人的身体为对象,采用体表查看和身体样本采集方式所进行的一种调查取证活动,人身检查的范围既包括对被检查人身体表征查看,也包括对被检查人身体样本的采集和利用。范围界定之后,如何理解人身检查的性质?这是本部分所要继续探求的一个问题,本部分首先分析了强制侦查行为与任意侦查行为的区分标准,进而指出人身检查的双重属性特征,在此前提下将人身检查与(人身)搜查、勘验、鉴定这三种在性质或功能上与其有交叉的刑事诉讼措施进行了辨析,并对“刑事人身检查”与“行政人身检查”之区别与联系进行了解释,以期能够准确把握人身检查的基本属性。而依据不同标准,人身检查又可以分为对被追诉者的检查与对第三人的人身检查、体表检查与体内检查、私密性检查与非私密性检查、个案调查性检查与建库性检查几种,因此本章紧接着对人身检查进行了分类研究,其意义在于理解对不同类型的人身检查设置不同程序要求的原因和目的所在。人身检查作为一种取证手段来定性当无异议,而证据包含两层含义:其一是作为证据资料,即案件中遗留下的主观印象痕迹和客观物质痕迹;其二是证据方法,即发掘证据资料并将其运用于诉讼的方法和手段,那么不同人身检查方法获取的证据资料的表现形态与证据方法有无不同?这是本章所要继续探析的一个内容。本章首先对人身检查的方法进行了介绍,接着又对通过上述方法取得的证据资料的表现形态和证据属性进行了分析。从整体上看,人身检查的方法可分为身体表征查看和身体物理痕迹、组织物、体液等样本提取两种,而根据检查方法的不同,人身检查资料的表现形态又可以分为人身检查记录和身体样本两种。其中,人身检查记录从证据属性上属于书证的一种,其在诉讼中的表现形式通常为人身检查笔录;身体样本本质上属于物证的一种,但微量物证的特点决定了其往往需要借助鉴定方式才能将其所蕴含之证据信息予以展示,因此身体样本在诉讼中是以鉴定结论(鉴定人)的证据形式存在。全面分析人身检查资料的属性和特征之意义在于更加全面地认识人身检查在刑事诉讼中的功能以及地位。而在现代社会,设计诉讼程序的目的无非有两个:规制权力以保证其合乎目的运作;保障权利以维护权力相对人自治,人身检查度亦不例外,其产生、发展都与国家权力的正确行使以及公民权利的保障密切有关,理论上对二者关系的不同解读,必然会对人身检查制度的设计产生影响。因此本章在前述分析基础之上,又对人身检查权与公民权利这组命题之间的关系进行了揭示和分析,以求解释和发现人身检查制度设计中所蕴含的价值理念。此外,从制度的产生和发展角度来看,作为国家意义上的人身制度又是刑事诉讼程序发展到一定历史阶段的产物,它是与社会对犯罪观念的转变、国家对社会控制手段的不断完善相适应的,本章在最后对人身检查制度的产生基础、发展脉络进行了系统考察,进而对人身检查制度的发展特点及趋势进行了归纳和分析,从而得出人身检查制度必须根据现实发展情况不断调整和完善这一结论,而这正是本文的落脚点——修改和完善我国现行人身检查制度的逻辑起点所在。 第二章对当前世界上一些主要法治国家和地区的人身检查制度之立法状况进行了比较考察,并从中归纳出人身检查制度的共同基础和发展趋势,以期为我国人身检查制度的完善提供有益参照和借鉴。本章之考察主要围绕人身检查的立法模式、人身检查的程序和非法人身检查的救济机制三个方面展开。从立法模式看,由于诉讼结构和立法传统的不同,各国对于人身检查的法律定位有所不同,具体来看,主要有搜查模式、附属模式、独立模式三种,本章对上述三种模式的产生原因及其不同特点进行了考察和分析,以期揭示不同立法模式之下人身检查制度设计的侧重点所在。以此为前提,本章又对人身检查程序的具体规定状况进行了考察,考察主要围绕人身检查的启动理由、审批程序、实施要求、被检查人的权利保障、人身检查样本的处理规则和“撒网采验DNA”六个方面展开,系统揭示和分析了不同国家或地区在人身检查程序的制度基础和发展特点,这部分是本章的重心所在。“有权利必有救济”,为了保障公民的合法权利不被侦查机关滥用人身检查权所侵害,又必然需要建立起对违法人身检查行为的救济机制,这也是人身检查制度必不可少的一个部分,因此本章也对一些代表性国家和地区的救济机制设置情况也进行了系统考察。在上文考察基础上,本章在最后对上述国家或地区人身检查制度的立法状况进行了综合评价,并从中归纳出了这一制度的共同规律和发展趋势,以期能够为审视我国人身检查制度的现状、完善我国人身检查制度提供有益的参照和启不。 第三章从立法和实践两个层面认真审视了我国人身检查制度的现状及存在问题,并对这些问题给出了全面的分析与解释。本章首先对我国人身检查制度的立法情况进行了回顾,指出了我国人身检查制度在立法层面存在的主要问题。而实践现状的考察则是本章的重点内容所在,本章主要通过人身检查的主要方法和适用案件类型、人身检查程序的启动、人身检查的对象、人身检查的执行、人身检查权的制约机制和非法人身检查的救济状况六个方面对我国人身检查制度的实践状况进行考察。为了尽可能全面还原我国人身检查实践运行的真实状况,本章对上述内容的考察主要采用典型案例分析与实证调查相结合的研究方法进行。在上述考察基础上,本章最后指出了我国人身检查制度所存在的问题,并对我国人身检查制度的整体现状做出了评价。本章将我国人身检查制度所存在的问题概括为三个方面,即:人身检查的法律授权不够明确、人身检查权的行使缺乏有效制约、对被检查人的权利保障不足。上述问题的存在使得我国人身检查实践呈现出了一种片面强调犯罪控制的趋势,而人权保障却被弱化甚至虚置,这与当代法治国家的要求相距甚远,因此本章最后得出了我国现行人身检查制度有必要进行完善这一结论,而这也正是本文研究的现实动因。 第四章从三个方面对我国人身检查制度的立法完善进行了详细的分析和阐述,这是本文研究的最终落脚点所在。本章首先论证了完善我国人身检查制度的必要性和可行性。文章指出,随着我国法治化进程的不断推进,我国已经由“立法时代”进入了“修法时代”,在这种历史背景之下,现行刑事诉讼法也面临再修改的历史契机,而只有通过具体制度的分别完善才能推动我国刑事诉讼法的整体发展。人身检查制度的完善即在此背景下提出,对其完善既是法律发展的必然趋势,也是对现实需求的及时回应。接着,本章又对完善我国人身检查制度时可能遇到的主要障碍因素进行了分析,以使所提出的建议更具现实性和合理性。在前述论证基础上,本章在最后提出了完善我国人身检查制度的思路。完善我国人身检查制度有一条基本的原则,就是应当确立一个价值取向坚定,但囿于国情而尊重改革之渐进性的立法进路。因此本文提出可以采用一种分阶段推进、远期目标与近期目标相结合、由易到难的方式对我国人身检查制度进行改革:远期目标即为实现人身检查的决定权与执行权实质分离,将侵权性较强的人身措施的启动决定权以及对违法人身检查的救济权交由中立的司法机关(法院)来行使;近期目标则是在现有体制框架内保持权力配置模式整体不变,通过解决一些突出性问题来规范人身检查权的行使。具体而言,现阶段我国人身检查制度的完善应在维持原有立法模式不变的前提下进行,完善之内容则包括确立人身检查分类制度、界定人身检查的实施对象、限定人身检查的启动条件、明确人身检查的审批机制、规范人身检查的实施程序、强化人身检查中的权利保障、完善配套制度几个方面。对于所提建议,本章分别对其提出依据和实施基础进行了论证,以期使其更具针对性和可行性。
[Abstract]:The physical examination (hereinafter referred to as the personal examination), also known as the physical examination, and the physical examination, refers to a survey and evidence collection activity carried out by the investigators in the process of criminal proceedings, taking the body as the object, using the body surface examination or the collection of body samples. This measure plays an important role in the investigation of criminal cases, especially in the case of the criminal cases. With the extensive use of modern medical technology (such as DNA recognition) in the field of investigation, personal examination is recognized in identity and identity. Biological traces have played a unique function that other investigative acts do not have. But as with other investigative acts, personal examination is like a "double-edged sword", which is convenient for criminal investigation. At the same time, it also poses a threat to the rights and interests of citizens, even more because the physical examination is carried out directly to the human body. Therefore, the potential threat to citizens' right to privacy and body rights is more obvious than other investigative actions. Therefore, many countries and regions in the world have taken the personal examination as a heavy duty in the criminal procedure law. According to the situation of our country, the relevant provisions of the current criminal procedure law on personal examination are simple and infrequent, which is obviously lagging behind the needs of practice and the shortage of legislative supply. There are a series of problems in the practice of the practice. The existence of these problems reveals that the regulations of the pedestrian examination system are not conducive to the protection of the rights and the control of the crime. Therefore, it is not only of great theoretical value but also an urgent need to study the legal regulation of this investigation measure from the perspective of procedural law. It is against this background that the author chooses the "personal examination system" as the topic of his doctoral dissertation.
This paper, taking the legal perfection of the system of personal examination as the main line, focuses on the three core issues of the legal basis of the system of personal examination, the establishment of the system and the situation of practice, and tries to achieve the following three goals: one is to make a more thorough discussion on the basic theoretical issues of the system of personal examination so as to make it more accurate and comprehensive. The essence of investigation means lay a theoretical foundation for perfecting the system of personal examination in our country; two is to explain the basic experience of the legislation of the person's body inspection system in the main countries and regions of the main rule of law, and to reveal its common idea and trend of development so as to provide useful reference and reference for the good of the system of personal examination in our country; and the three is to make every effort to do so A certain depth of empirical research on the practice of physical examination in China is carried out to analyze the necessity and feasibility of the perfection of the system of personal examination in China, and on this basis, the author puts forward his own views on the perfection of the system of personal examination in China. The full text is composed of four chapters except the introduction.
The first chapter expounds the basic contents of the personal examination from four aspects, in order to lay a theoretical foundation for the study of the system of personal examination. The study of the system of personal examination begins with the physical examination. Therefore, this chapter explains the basic connotation of the personal examination in the first part, which is from the scope, nature and type. The three part begins with the definition of the scope of the personal examination in this paper. It is pointed out that the personal examination is a kind of investigation and forensics conducted by the investigator in the process of criminal execution, taking the body as the object, using the body watch and the collection of body samples, and the scope of the person's body examination includes both the person and the person. The examination of the physical representation of the person, including the collection and use of the body samples of the inspected. After the scope, how to understand the nature of the physical examination? This is a problem that this part needs to continue to seek. This part first analyzes the criteria for the distinction between compulsory investigation and arbitrary investigation, and then points out the dual nature of personal examination. On the basis of this, the three kinds of criminal procedure measures, such as personal examination and (personal) search, inspection and identification, which are intersecting with them in nature or function are analyzed, and the difference and connection between "criminal personal examination" and "administrative personal examination" are explained in order to accurately grasp the basic attributes of the personal examination. According to the different standards, the personal examination can be divided into the examination of the accused and the physical examination of the third people, the body surface examination and the body examination, the privacy check and the non secret check, the case investigation and the library examination. The reasons and aims of different types of personal examination are set up for different procedures. As a means of obtaining evidence, personal examination is qualitative when there is no objection, and the evidence contains two meanings: one is the evidence material, that is, the subjective impression of the case and the objective material traces left in the case, and the other is the evidence method, that is to excavate the evidence capital. Is there any difference in the form of evidence obtained by different personal examination methods and the method of evidence? This is a content to be discussed in this chapter. This chapter first introduces the methods of personal examination, and then the performance of the evidence obtained through the above methods. On the whole, the method of personal examination can be divided into two kinds of samples, such as body characterization view and physical physical trace, tissue, body fluid, and other samples. According to the different examination methods, the form of physical examination data can be divided into two kinds of physical examination records and body samples. Among them, the physical examination can be divided into human body examination and body examination. Records are a kind of documentary evidence from the attribute of evidence. The form of the record is usually a personal record in a lawsuit; the body sample is essentially a kind of material evidence, but the characteristics of the trace evidence determine that it often needs the means of identification to display the evidence contained in it, so the body sample is in the lawsuit. The significance of a comprehensive analysis of the attributes and characteristics of the personal examination data is to fully understand the function and status of the physical examination in criminal proceedings. In modern society, there are two purposes for the design of the procedure: the regulation of power to ensure its objective operation; Right to safeguard the autonomy of the power relative to people, and the degree of personal examination is no exception, its production and development are closely related to the correct exercise of the state power and the protection of civil rights. In theory, the different interpretation of the relationship between the two will inevitably affect the design of the system of personal examination. The relationship between the right of inspection and the proposition of civil rights is revealed and analyzed in order to explain and discover the values contained in the design of the system of personal examination. In addition, from the point of view of the generation and development of the system, the personal system in the sense of the state is the product of the development of the criminal litigation procedure to a certain historical stage. With the transformation of the concept of crime and the continuous improvement of the means of social control by the state, this chapter makes a systematic review of the basis and development of the system of personal examination at the end of the chapter, and then sums up the characteristics and trends of the development of the system of personal examination, and concludes that the system of personal examination must be based on reality. This conclusion is constantly adjusted and perfected, and this is the foothold of this article -- the logical starting point of revising and perfecting our current system of personal examination.
The second chapter makes a comparative study on the legislative status of the system of personal examination in some of the main countries and regions in the world, and summarizes the common basis and development trend of the system of personal examination, in order to provide useful reference and reference for the improvement of the system of personal examination in China. The legislative mode, the procedure of personal examination and the relief mechanism of the illegal personal examination are carried out in three aspects. From the legislative pattern, because of the difference between the litigation structure and the legislative tradition, the legal orientation of the personal examination is different in various countries. In particular, there are mainly the search modes, the attachment mode, the independent model of three kinds, and the above three modes. The cause and the different characteristics are investigated and analyzed in order to reveal the emphasis of the design of the personal examination system under different legislative modes. On the basis of this, this chapter also investigates the specific conditions of the personal examination procedures, and investigates the reasons for starting, examination and approval procedures, the implementation requirements, and the inspection. The protection of human rights, the handling rules of the personal examination samples and the "DNA inspection of the net" are carried out in six aspects. The system reveals and analyzes the system basis and development characteristics of the personal examination procedures in different countries or regions. This part is the focus of this chapter. "There is a right must have relief", in order to ensure that the legal rights of citizens are not detected. It is also a necessary part of the personal inspection system, which is also a necessary part of the personal inspection system. Therefore, this chapter also makes a systematic investigation on the setting of relief mechanism in some representative countries and regions. After the comprehensive evaluation of the legislative status of the system of personal examination in the above-mentioned countries or regions, the common law and development trend of the system are summed up, with a view to providing useful reference and reopening for examining the status of the system of personal examination in our country and improving the system of personal examination in our country.
The third chapter carefully examines the status and problems of the system of personal examination in China from two aspects of legislation and practice, and gives a comprehensive analysis and explanation of these problems. This chapter first reviews the legislative situation of the system of personal examination in our country, and points out the main problems in the legislative level of the system of personal inspection and inspection in our country. The study of the present situation is the key part of this chapter. This chapter is mainly based on the main methods and application cases of personal examination, the starting of the personal examination procedure, the object of personal examination, the implementation of the personal examination, the restriction mechanism of the personal inspection right and the relief status of the illegal personal examination in the six aspects of the personal examination system in China. In order to fully restore the actual situation of the practice of the physical examination in China as far as possible, this chapter mainly uses the research method combining the typical case analysis and the empirical investigation. On the basis of the above investigation, the chapter finally points out the problems existing in the system of personal examination in our country. This chapter sums up the overall status of the system of personal examination in China. This chapter summarizes the problems in the system of personal examination in our country as three aspects, namely: the legal authorization of the personal examination is not clear enough, the exercise of the right of personal examination is not effectively restricted and the rights and protection of the inspectors are insufficient. The practice shows a tendency to emphasize the control of crime unilaterally, but the protection of human rights is weakened or even empty, which is far apart from the requirements of the modern rule of law. Therefore, this chapter finally draws the conclusion that the current personal examination system in China is necessary to improve this conclusion, and this is the actual cause of this study.
The fourth chapter makes a detailed analysis and exposition of the legislative perfection of the system of personal examination in China from three aspects. This is the final point of this study. This chapter first demonstrates the necessity and feasibility of perfecting the system of personal examination in our country. In this historical background, the present criminal procedure law is also faced with the historical opportunity to revise the criminal procedure law. Only through the improvement of the specific system can we promote the overall development of the criminal procedure law in China.


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