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发布时间:2018-06-17 10:52

  本文选题:新《刑诉法》 + 宪法 ; 参考:《上海交通大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:权利和权力此消彼长,权利是权力存在的目的。2012年通过的《刑诉法》充满了权力和权利的较量,在刑事强制措施中表现得最为显著。对比新法和旧法,虽然修订后的刑事强制措施在体系上比旧法更为完整、科学,一些细节性修改也体现了保障人权的倾向。但是,在涉及结构性的权力和权利的平衡问题上呈现出严重的一边倒倾向,即权力的扩张远大于对权利的保障。拘传时间延长,拘传执行方式有所变化;取保候审时间被截断使用,保证金没收程序缺少救济渠道;指定居所监视居住适用范围扩大,家属知情权被严重削弱;秘密拘留被“合法化”,权力主体之间缺乏有效制约;审前羁押是逮捕的当然伴随状态,等等。这些都表明此次修法不但没有达到“里程碑意义”的高度,,反而颠倒了权力和权利的应然位置,导致权力优位,没有厘清打击犯罪和保障人权的关系。 总之,此次修法不但没有进步,反而在一定程度上有所退步。修订后的新法蕴含了很大的人权危机,要想化解这些人权危机,需要充分发挥法律解释和法律适用的功能,以合乎宪法的人权保障理念指导立法,以正当程序为价值目标规范执法和司法,以权利监督和权力制衡为架构进行制度设计,将宪法上的人权保障理念通过公正的制度设计落到实处。
[Abstract]:The Criminal procedure Law passed in 2012 is full of power and power, which is the most obvious in the criminal coercive measures. Compared with the new law and the old law, although the revised criminal coercive measures are more complete and scientific in system than the old law, some detailed amendments also reflect the tendency of protecting human rights. However, there is a serious one-sided tendency in the balance of power and rights, that is, the expansion of power is far greater than the protection of rights. The time of detention is prolonged, the execution mode of detention is changed; the time of obtaining bail is cut off, the procedure of bond confiscation is lack of relief channel; the scope of residence monitoring is expanded and the right to know of the family is seriously weakened; Secret detention is "legalized", lack of effective restriction between power subjects, pretrial detention is the state of arrest, and so on. All these indicate that the law has not reached the "milestone level", on the contrary, it has reversed the position of power and rights, resulting in the superior position of power, and has failed to clarify the relationship between fighting crime and protecting human rights. In short, the revision of the law not only did not progress, but to some extent retrogression. The revised new law contains a great human rights crisis. In order to resolve these human rights crises, it is necessary to give full play to the functions of law interpretation and legal application, and guide the legislation with the constitutional concept of human rights protection. The value goal of due process is to standardize law enforcement and judicature, to design the system with the framework of right supervision and power balance, and to put the concept of human rights protection in the constitution into practice through fair system design.


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