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发布时间:2018-06-17 18:56

  本文选题:捕后羁押 + 羁押必要性 ; 参考:《中国刑事法杂志》2017年05期

[Abstract]:Combing the rules of proof of the necessity review of detention after arrest is helpful to clarify the independence of detention review and to make the system from formal review to substantive review. In practice, the main reason for the low operating rate and application rate of the review of the necessity of custody is that the examiner is difficult to grasp the contents and standards of the examination, which results in the situation of "unjustified rather than vertical". The establishment of the rules of proof can make the contents and standards of the review clear and clear. The examination of the necessity of custody should establish the rules of proof, the object of proof is the criminal suspect, the necessity of the accused being detained and whether there are "changing" factors, the burden of proof to initiate the system should be borne by the defense. The burden of proof is transferred to the prosecution in the case of favourable evidence provided by the defence. The standard of proof should be divided into two steps: the standard of "superior evidence" should be adopted in the investigation stage, and the standard of "clear and persuasive" should be adopted in the stage of examination, prosecution and trial. The method of proof of necessity examination of custody shall apply to the proof of liberty. The establishment of the rules of proof of the necessity examination of detention after arrest should be supplemented by flexible and open procedure to promote multi-party participation and, if necessary, should be examined by hearing procedure.
【作者单位】: 吉林大学法学院;


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