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发布时间:2018-06-17 22:32

  本文选题:民事诉讼 + 经验法则 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:经验法则是人类在认识世界过程中形成和产生的一种客观存在的、不可或缺的知识。它作为民事诉讼中的一项重要制度,对于约束法官自由心证,帮助法官理性地对案件事实进行认定及正确适用法律都具有重要的作用。但由于经验法则不像科学定理、规律那样具有稳定性和精确性,,所以当经验法则被适用在司法实践当中时,往往会因人而异地存在差异性或者不当性。虽然经验法则对于法官的自由心证具有约束和限制作用,但不容忽视的是,由于法官可以借助经验法则对案件事实酌情作出实体上的裁判结果,就会使得法官的自由裁量权也会因为经验法则的适用得到扩大,从而导致民事诉讼中会出现不当适用经验法则的情形。加之,在发生经验法则不当适用的情形时,当事人也无法在诉讼程序内找到合法的救济途径。在此基础上,本文所要研究的就是如何从程序层面对我国民事诉讼中存在的不当适用经验法则的问题予以规制。 本文共三万余字,分为引言、正文和结语三大部分: 引言介绍了我国民事诉讼法学界对经验法则的研究状况及民事司法审判实践中关于适用经验法则存在的问题。 正文分为四部分: 第一部分是关于经验法则的基础理论。该部分首先介绍了经验法则概念、特征以及接着论述了经验法则在民事诉讼中的运行机理,即其在民事诉讼中存在的法理基础及作用。 第二部分是经验法则在我国民事诉讼中的适用现状。该部分首先是笔者以云南省昆明市中级人民法院为对象进行实证调研,将该院2008年至2013年11月份所审理的上诉案件适用经验法则的情况予以整理和分析;接着笔者以该院审理的上诉案件适用经验法则存在的问题为引子,指出了我国民事司法审判中适用经验法则审理案件时普遍存在的问题和现状,并对其产生原因从内因和外因两方面入手做了比较详尽的分析。 第三部分是域外国家民事诉讼中适用经验法则的比较研究及借鉴。该部分首先是介绍以德国、日本以及我国台湾地区为代表的大陆法系国家和地区的立法中对经验法则相关规定,并且重点介绍了德国和日本在民事司法实务中通过相关的制度对经验法则予以适用的情况;其次是介绍了英美法系国家由于不同历史传统及诉讼构造,在适用经验法则方面所特有的区别于大陆法系国家的法律规定及司法实践;再次从不同角度对两大国家和地区对适用经验法则的异同点进行对比分析;最后是笔者在本章前述内容的基础上,得出域外国家和我国台湾地区在适用经验法则方面对我国民事诉讼中正确适用经验法则的启示。 第四部分是结合我国当前民事诉讼中存在的不当适用经验法则的现状与原因展开分析,提出笔者对不当适用经验法则进行程序规制的具体设想。重点提出了笔者关于对不当适用经验法则进行程序规制的具体程序设计,主要包括审查程序、告知程序、异议程序和上诉程序之规制四方面的内容;最后在上诉程序中提出如何利用我国民事诉讼法中的现有制度作为对对不当适用经验法则进行救济。 结语部分指出,经验法则虽然在民事诉讼中对于认定案件事实以及正确适用法律具有重要作用,是诉讼裁判中一种不可或缺的逻辑应用,但其自身存在的主观性、抽象性、隐蔽性等固有缺陷以及裁判者在适用过程中的主观性,当事人缺乏相应的救济渠道保护自己的合法权益。为了更加全面地保证经验法则在民事诉讼中能够得到正确、合理地适用,从程序规制层面对民事司法实践中存在的不当适用经验法则的予以规制,不仅能够规范经验法则在民事诉讼中的适用,也能够推动整个民事诉讼活动的顺利展开。
[Abstract]:The rule of experience is an objective existence and indispensable knowledge formed and produced in the process of knowing the world. As an important system in the civil procedure, it plays an important role in restraining the freedom of the judge, helping the judge to rationally identify the facts of the case and to apply the law correctly. Unlike the scientific theorem, the law has its stability and accuracy, so when the rule of experience is applied to judicial practice, there is often a difference or impropriety in a different place. Although the rule of experience has a constraint and restriction on the judge's freedom of mind, it is not to be ignored that the judge can use the experience law. The result of the substantive judgment on the facts of the case will make the discretion of the judge expand because of the application of the rule of thumb, which leads to the improper application of the rule of experience in the civil procedure. In addition, the parties can not find the case in the case of improper application of the rule of thumb. On the basis of this, this article is to study how to regulate the problem of improper application of the rule of experience in the civil procedure of our country.
There are more than 30000 words in this article. They are divided into three parts: introduction, text and conclusion.
The introduction introduces the research situation of the rule of law in the field of civil procedural law and the problems existing in the practice of civil judicial trial.
The text is divided into four parts:
The first part is the basic theory of the rule of experience. This part first introduces the concept of the rule of thumb, features and then discusses the operating mechanism of the rule of experience in civil litigation, that is, its legal basis and function in civil litigation.
The second part is the application of the rule of experience in civil proceedings in China. The first part is the author's Empirical Research on the intermediate people's Court of Kunming, Yunnan Province, and the case of the application of the rule of experience of appellate cases from 2008 to November 2013. The application of the law of experience in the case of appellate cases is the introduction. It points out the common problems and present situation in the case of applying the rule of experience in civil judicial trial in China, and makes a more detailed analysis of its causes from two aspects of internal and external causes.
The third part is the comparative study and reference of the applicable law of experience in civil litigation outside the country. The first part is to introduce the relevant rules of experience in the legislation of the countries and regions of the civil law system, which is represented by Germany, Japan and the Taiwan region of our country, and focuses on the introduction of Germany and Japan in the civil judicial practice. The system is applicable to the rules of experience, and the second is the introduction of the different historical traditions and litigation structures in the common law countries, which are different from the legal rules and judicial practices of the countries of the continental law system in the application of the rules of experience, and the differences in the applicable rules of experience to the two countries and regions from different angles. At the same time, the author makes a comparative analysis of the same point; finally, on the basis of the previous contents of this chapter, the author draws the enlightenment to the correct application of the rule of experience in the civil procedure of our country in the application of the rule of experience in the foreign countries and the Taiwan region of our country.
The fourth part is the analysis of the present situation and reasons of the unsuitable application of experience law in the current civil action in China, and puts forward the specific assumption of the author's Procedural Regulation on the improper application of the rule of thumb. The specific program design for the Procedural Regulation of the unsuitable application of the rule of thumb is put forward, mainly including the review. The four aspects of the procedure, the procedure, the dissenting procedure and the appellate procedure; finally, in the appellate procedure, how to use the existing system in the Civil Procedure Law of our country as a remedy for the unsuitable application of the rule of thumb.
The conclusion points out that, although the rule of experience plays an important role in determining the facts of the case and the correct application of the law in civil litigation, it is an indispensable logical application of the litigation referee, but the subjective, abstract and concealment of its own existence, as well as the subjectivity of the referee in the process of application, are short of the parties. The lack of corresponding relief channels to protect their legitimate rights and interests. In order to ensure that the rule of experience can be correctly and reasonably applied in civil proceedings, the regulation of unsuitable application of experience in civil judicial practice from procedural regulation can not only regulate the application of the rule of experience in civil proceedings, but also the rule of experience in civil judicial practice. It can promote the smooth development of the whole civil litigation activities.


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