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发布时间:2018-06-17 23:10

  本文选题:王书金案 + 聂树斌案 ; 参考:《黑龙江大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In the period of social transformation, due to the severe situation of the scarcity of judicial resources in our country, it is urgent to save litigation costs and effectively improve the efficiency of judicial resources. Especially in handling suspicious cases and even wrong cases, it is very important to reduce litigation costs and avoid unnecessary cost waste. In the trial process of Wang Shujin case, the judicial organs and the parties concerned spent a lot of litigation costs, but in the end they did not get a convincing judgment result, which led to the decline of judicial authority and triggered the crisis of judicial integrity. Public opinion interferes excessively with the development of the case, the system of correcting the wrong case is not perfect, the defects of the trial procedure and the bad judicial environment are the main reasons leading to the high cost of the lawsuit in this case. Only by adopting measures such as correctly guiding public opinion, perfecting the system of investigation and responsibility of wrong cases, strengthening procedural justice, and reasonably increasing the direct cost, can we reduce the cost of litigation and improve the judicial environment. The ultimate goal of achieving fairness and justice and establishing judicial authority.


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