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发布时间:2018-06-19 02:45

  本文选题:公证 + 民间借贷 ; 参考:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the deepening of economic system reform, private lending is becoming more and more active and the scale of borrowing is expanding. However, because the legal system of our country is not perfect and its risk is increasing, the number of disputes caused by it has also increased, a large number of disputes have been litigated, and the number of cases accepted by the people's courts has increased rapidly. The purpose of notarization system is to provide the society with authentic, reliable and legally effective notarization documents in order to prevent disputes, reduce litigation, standardize legal behavior and ensure the correct enforcement of law. Nowadays, as an important non-litigation dispute resolution method, notarization has been accepted and chosen by more and more people because of its high efficiency and strong proof. The notarized obligatory documents can be directly applied to the court for enforcement, which is helpful to reduce the number of such cases, lighten the burden of the court, solve disputes quickly and timely, and save limited judicial resources. However, for a long time, due to the high risk of private lending and the difficulty of vetting, coupled with the notaries of civil institutions to improve the level of non-government loan notarization business and other reasons, the civil loan contract notarization procedure has not been given due attention. Although the scope of notarization includes loan contracts, in judicial practice most notaries only issue notarized creditor's rights documents for loan contracts between individuals and banks, which leads to the problem of notarization of folk loan contracts. This not only makes notaries lose their business in the field of civil loan notarization, but also makes it difficult to play the role of notarization system. In view of this, under the framework of modern judicial concept, the necessity and urgency of the effective involvement of notarization in private lending has been increasingly demonstrated. Starting from the judicial practice of our country, this paper analyzes and combs the current operation of notarization in folk lending, and analyzes the reasons why it is difficult to notarize folk loan contracts. In order to fully reveal the core and key problems of our country's current notarization involved in folk loans and loans, and then put forward the perfect thinking of notarization intervention in Chinese folk lending.


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