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发布时间:2018-06-19 07:21

  本文选题:刑事速裁程序 + 处刑命令 ; 参考:《北方法学》2017年06期

[Abstract]:With the abolition of the system of re-education through labour, some illegal acts will be included in minor crimes, and the proliferation of criminal cases will be an unavoidable trend. At present, the single summary procedure of our country can not meet the needs of the large number of criminal cases, so we should take the reform of the criminal quick adjudication procedure as an opportunity to construct the criminal adjudication procedure in our country according to the train of thought of the execution order procedure. In response to the growing trend of crime. Using the successful practices of Germany, Japan and other countries or regions for reference, the speedy adjudication procedure of our country should be based on the principle of written trial, but at the same time, the defendant's right to participate in the procedure and the right of disposition should be guaranteed. In order to ensure the effective operation of the procedure, the system of criminal record, the system of compulsory measures and the system of defense should also be adjusted and innovated.
【作者单位】: 北京大学法学院;


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