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发布时间:2018-06-19 09:16

  本文选题:非法证据 + 立法现状 ; 参考:《中南大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:如何在司法实践中准确认定非法证据的范围是实施非法证据排除规则的首要问题,科学界定非法证据排除范围,既要借鉴国外的成熟经验,也要注重中国国情,要从中国实际出发,切实处理好惩罚犯罪与保障人权的相互关系。 根据我国现实国情,非法证据不适合一律排除。非法言词证据应以“不违反自愿原则”为标准来衡量;而对于非法物证则可以“利益权衡原则”作为衡量标准。但是,违反宪法的非法证据必须坚决予以排除,不得补正或者作出合理解释。每个国家都有自己特有的法律文化、诉讼构造、司法实践,在人权理念逐渐发达的当今社会,我们应坚持基本人权保障和重大违法控制的兼容并蓄,取长补短,将各自的优势发挥到极致,寻求实体公正和程序公正的动态平衡。
[Abstract]:How to accurately identify the scope of illegal evidence in judicial practice is the most important issue in implementing the exclusion rules of illegal evidence. To scientifically define the scope of exclusion of illegal evidence, we should draw lessons from the mature experience of foreign countries and pay attention to the national conditions of China. Proceeding from China's reality, we must properly handle the interrelationship between punishing crimes and safeguarding human rights. According to the reality of our country, illegal evidence is not suitable for exclusion. The evidence of illegal words should be measured by the criterion of "not violating the voluntary principle", while the "principle of weighing interests" can be used as the criterion for the measurement of illegal material evidence. However, illegal evidence of violation of the Constitution must be firmly excluded and must not be corrected or justified. Each country has its own unique legal culture, litigation structure, and judicial practice. In today's society where the concept of human rights is gradually developing, we should insist on the inclusiveness of basic human rights protection and major illegal control. Exert their respective advantages to the extreme and seek the dynamic balance between substantive justice and procedural justice.


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8 杨宇冠;论非法证据排除规则的价值[J];政法论坛;2002年03期

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2 杜学毅;中国非法证据排除规则构建研究[D];吉林大学;2013年




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