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发布时间:2018-06-19 23:56

  本文选题:司法改革 + 人民法庭 ; 参考:《广西民族大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:As the first person in the face of the masses, the people's Court is the front-line in handling litigation disputes. The classification of staff members is of great significance to their better handling of cases. Only the categories of personnel are clear, and their powers and responsibilities are clear. Ability to improve efficiency, fast and good handling of the entire court at the grass-roots level but 80% of the overall business. However, the current allocation of judicial power is not scientific, the phenomenon of irregular still exists, judicial power is restricted by external forces to a certain extent, and the effect of judicial reform is greatly compromised. This paper selects the staff of a court in Dongguan as the investigation object, according to its characteristics of "the number of staff, the classification of staff, the variety of jobs, the confusion of personnel management, and the number of cases ranking the forefront of the city every year." These practical problems are analyzed and explored in the light of the classified management models of several types of personnel in the Guangdong court at present. It is found that through the classified management of some court personnel in Dongguan City, the key role of the administrative cadres in the court can be better brought into play in the daily work, and the core position of the judges in the judicial work can be more prominent. It emphasizes the assistant role of assistant judge, clerk, judicial police and administrative personnel in serving the judicature, and differentiates the management of the staff in different sequences for a common goal: the administration of justice for the people and the just administration of justice. Therefore, to promote the classification and management of court personnel in a scientific and orderly manner is helpful to improve the efficiency of trial enforcement and to deal with disputes at the grass-roots level.


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