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发布时间:2018-06-20 04:46

  本文选题:监察体制改革 + 调查权 ; 参考:以山西省第一案为研究对象

[Abstract]:The Shanxi Provincial Supervisory Commission adopted the retention measure against a state-owned enterprise executive a few days ago, the first case to be investigated by the Shanxi Provincial Supervision Commission since the reform of the supervisory system. While paying close attention to the development trend of the supervision system reform in the pilot area, it is also necessary to make a cold thinking on the constitutional aspect of this incident. Is the nature of investigation activities administrative investigation power or criminal investigation power? What's the difference? What is the practical significance of the retention measure? What does it mean for the Commission to take retention measures without the approval of the Public Prosecutor's Office? What effect does this have on the people's procuratorates? What should be the proper path? Major state reform should be based on the law and even more on the constitution.
【作者单位】: 武汉大学法学院;


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3 刘伟;论列宁的社会主义民主监督思想[D];中共中央党校;2000年




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