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发布时间:2018-06-20 15:14

  本文选题:翻供 + 非法证据排除 ; 参考:《华南理工大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:翻供是犯罪嫌疑人、被告人在刑事诉讼程序中的任何一个阶段推翻原有供述的一部分或者全部,重新做出供述。翻供是我国独有的一种司法现象。在长期的司法实践中,司法人员对翻供标准的界定、翻供发生的原因、翻供的处理方式都有不同的理解,对翻供现象的重视程度也不同。因此,为了提高案件处理的效率,过分主张打击犯罪,掩盖刑讯逼供、诱供等非法的取证方式,司法人员往往对翻供采取置之不理的态度。这不仅会忽视犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的人权保障,容易导致冤假错案,还会有损我国的司法公正和司法权威。要改变这种现状有赖于分析翻供在我国较常见的原因及证据运用规则,最后构建理论和司法实践层面的翻供应对策略。 本文首先对翻供标准的进行认定,分析翻供的体现的多种形式,分析翻供在我国较常见的原因,主要是长期以来对口供的过分依赖性而导致的刑讯逼供、诱供等非法取证方式的存在以及对无理翻供的惩治制度的缺失;其次,要理性的看待翻供,分析翻供存在的有利方面和不利方面,在新背景下翻供呈现的状态,即翻供现象会越来越多,对检察机关的挑战性越来越大;第三,分析翻供现象的证据规则的适用,主要包括翻供的证据补强规则、翻供的证据印证规则在翻供案件中具有的价值和具体适用;最后,通过辩诉交易制度、“由证到供”的侦查模式的建立、讯问时的律师在场权等制度构建和司法实践操作方面来合理应对翻供。
[Abstract]:Reversion is a criminal suspect, the defendant in any stage of the criminal proceedings to overturn part or all of the original confession, to make a new confession. Retraction is a unique judicial phenomenon in China. In the long-term judicial practice, the definition of the standard of reversion, the reason of the reversion, the treatment of the reversal of confession have different understanding, and the degree of attention to the phenomenon of reversion is also different. Therefore, in order to improve the efficiency of handling cases, excessively advocate to crack down on crime, cover up illegal methods of obtaining evidence, such as extorting confessions by torture and inducing confessions, judicial officers often ignore the attitude of turning back confessions. This will not only ignore the human rights protection of criminal suspects and defendants, but also damage the judicial justice and judicial authority of our country. To change this situation, it depends on the analysis of the common reasons and the rules of evidence application in our country, and the construction of theoretical and judicial practice strategies. In this paper, we first identify the standard of confession reversal, analyze the various forms of confession reversal, and analyze the common reasons of confession refoulement in China, mainly because of the excessive dependence on confessions, which has led to torture for a long time. The existence of illegal methods of obtaining evidence, such as inducement, and the lack of punishment system for unjustifiable confession; secondly, the rational treatment of reversion, the analysis of its advantages and disadvantages, and the state of reversion under the new background. That is, the phenomenon of reversion will become more and more challenging for the procuratorial organs; third, the application of the evidentiary rules for the analysis of the phenomenon of reversion mainly includes the rule of corroboration of the reversion. The evidence of reversion proves the value and concrete application of the rules in the reopening case; finally, through the plea bargaining system, the establishment of the investigation mode of "from evidence to evidence", The system construction and judicial practice operation of lawyer's right to be present during interrogation should deal with the reopening of confession reasonably.


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