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发布时间:2018-06-22 21:32

  本文选题:民事举证时限 + 证据失权 ; 参考:《甘肃政法学院》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Since the end of the last century, the economic development of our country has increased rapidly, and the disputes between the civil subjects of the society have become more and more, and the number of cases received by the people's courts has naturally increased in proportion to that of the people's courts. The development process of the system of the time limit of proof in civil proceedings is from "no proof period and evidence losing right" to "normative proof period and evidence losing right", and then to the provision of "evidence at any time" in the new civil procedure law and its judicial interpretation. There is a national basis for its development. As a valuable civil action system, the time limit of proof has its important value and function. However, the strictly standardized evidence loss is not unobstructed in the progress of judicial practice. In the face of the conflict between substantive justice and procedural justice, the legislation and judicial practice of this system have been reduced to "exist in name", and have lost the value of the system of loss of power as the core, so we should continue to improve the system. We should think about whether to abandon it or not. This paper will study the relevant system of the time limit of proof through the following four aspects. The theoretical basis of this system and the process of legislation and implementation changes in our country will be analyzed first, including the concept of the system of time of proof, the necessity and importance of existence, and so on. The background of the legislative changes in China and its relevant provisions. Then it analyzes and compares the evidence loss of power system in the typical countries of Anglo-American law system and continental law system, including the relevant systems of the time limit of proof in four countries: Britain, the United States, France and Germany, and makes a brief discussion and comparison. Then it analyzes the current situation of the system in our country and the reasons for its legislation, including the legislative provisions and operating conditions of the present system of the time limit of proof in our country, the background and a series of reasons for the strict application of the system of the time limit of proof in our country. Finally, the author puts forward some views on how to perfect the system of evidence loss, including the mode that should be chosen in the judicial environment of our country and the perfection of legislation and supporting system. As an important system, the system of proof time limit has appeared in our country, but we should not abandon it, but should choose the mode of proof time limit system suitable to our country's national conditions. Therefore, the paper puts forward some suggestions to perfect the system of proof time limit in our country.


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