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发布时间:2018-06-23 00:13

  本文选题:即决判决 + 程序保障 ; 参考:《宁波大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:即决判决制度作为英美国家审前阶段的一项诉讼制度,在缓解法院诉讼压力、提高诉讼效率等方面发挥着重要的作用。任何先进的制度和经验都是值得借鉴和学习的,近年来我国有些学者已经对该制度展开研究,并提出在我国引入即决判决制度。从学者的研究成果看,我国存在即决判决程序适用的土壤,审前准备程序中有关证据交换的相关规定,为我国在引入即决判决制度提供了制度基础。作为域外制度的移植,我国现存的司法环境中也存在影响即决判决程序适用的不利因素。为即决判决制度的引入及构建扫清障碍,也是实务界必须关注的问题,本文内容主要包含以下四部分: 本文第一部分首先对即决判决制度进行了介绍。通过对即决判决内涵的界定,明确了即决判决发生的阶段、即决判决程序适用的条件、即决判决的判决效力。而对英美国家司法实践中即决判决程序具体适用的研究,为后面我国即决判决的构建提供了参考。 本文第二部分主要是对我国引入即决判决进行了详尽的法律分析。从引入即决判决的理论依据、制度基础、法律价值三个层面,分析了现阶段我国引入即决判决制度的必要性和可行性。 本文第三部分阐述了我国引入即决判决制度的初步构想。即决判决制度如何在我国构建,不是只言片语就能言尽的。本文对引入即决判决制度必须考虑的几个问题进行了简要的阐述,分析了我国即决判决程序适用的条件和范围,以及即决判决程序在司法实践中适用主体、时间等问题。最后,对引入即决判决必须考虑的其他问题进行了一定的说明。 本文第四部分阐述了完善即决判决的相关配套制度。首先分析了我国引入即决判决存在的障碍,,然后针对这些障碍提出了具体的完善策略。
[Abstract]:Summary judgment system, as a litigation system in the pretrial stage of Anglo-American countries, plays an important role in relieving the pressure of court proceedings and improving the efficiency of litigation. Any advanced system and experience are worthy of reference and study. In recent years, some scholars in our country have carried out research on this system and put forward the introduction of summary judgment system in our country. According to the research results of scholars, there exists the soil for the application of summary judgment procedure in China. The relevant provisions of evidence exchange in pretrial preparation procedure provide a system basis for the introduction of summary judgment system in China. As a transplant of extraterritorial system, there are some unfavorable factors affecting the application of summary judgment procedure in the existing judicial environment of our country. To clear the obstacles for the introduction and construction of summary judgment system is also a problem that must be paid attention to in practice. The content of this paper mainly includes the following four parts: the first part of this paper introduces the summary judgment system. By defining the connotation of summary judgment, this paper clarifies the stage of its occurrence, the conditions of application of summary judgment procedure, and the validity of summary judgment. The research on the application of summary judgment procedure in the judicial practice of Anglo-American countries provides a reference for the construction of summary judgment in our country. The second part of this paper is the introduction of summary judgment in China for a detailed legal analysis. This paper analyzes the necessity and feasibility of the introduction of summary judgment in China at present from three aspects: the theoretical basis, the institutional basis and the legal value of the introduction of summary judgment. The third part of this article elaborated our country to introduce the summary judgment system preliminary idea. How to construct the system of summary judgment in our country can not be said in words. This paper briefly expounds several problems that must be considered in the introduction of summary judgment system, analyzes the conditions and scope of application of summary decision procedure in our country, as well as the application subject and time of summary judgment procedure in judicial practice. Finally, some other problems that must be considered in the introduction of summary judgment are explained. The fourth part of this article elaborated the consummation summary judgment correlation supporting system. This paper first analyzes the obstacles to the introduction of summary judgment in China, and then puts forward specific strategies to improve these obstacles.


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2 张亚东;;引入即决判决制度应当考虑的几个问题[J];人民司法;2007年23期

3 陈贤贵;王辛;;论我国即决判决制度之构建[J];东南司法评论;2009年00期

4 胡健佳;;美国Valero公司诉芬兰Greeni公司案评析[J];国际商务研究;2007年01期

5 刘为勇;对在我国行政诉讼中引入即决判决制度的探讨[J];南昌高专学报;2005年04期

6 王文芳;;论即决判决制度与简易程序制度[J];法制与社会;2011年24期

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8 李世宇;;论民事诉讼中的先行判决[J];湖北广播电视大学学报;2009年02期

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1 曹家东;民事诉讼应引进即决判决制度[N];人民法院报;2004年

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1 连品方;即决判决制度研究[D];厦门大学;2008年

2 王少哲;论即决判决[D];河南大学;2011年

3 虞萍;即决判决制度研究[D];厦门大学;2006年

4 刘燕平;论即决判决制度[D];西南政法大学;2007年

5 任毅;论民事即决判决制度[D];西南政法大学;2012年

6 张萍;即决判决研究[D];宁波大学;2014年

7 曹家东;论即决判决[D];华东政法学院;2004年

8 刘勇;构建我国即决判决制度的思考[D];安徽大学;2005年

9 王文芳;即决判决制度在我国的构建[D];太原科技大学;2012年

10 李世宇;民事预审程序研究[D];郑州大学;2009年




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