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发布时间:2018-06-23 08:32

  本文选题:民事再审 + 程序关系 ; 参考:《清华法学》2013年04期

[Abstract]:With the implementation of the Civil procedure Law (revised in 2012), the civil retrial procedure is faced with new problems and challenges in the internal and external relations of the system. Taking the litigation procedure and the non-litigation procedure as the observation clue, in the relation between the retrial procedure and the ordinary procedure of the first instance, we should strictly limit the application of the retrial in the case of the first instance, and reverse the dependence and non-finality of the retrial procedure. In the relation between the retrial procedure and the second instance procedure, we should further strengthen the essential difference between the special relief and the ordinary relief, correct the mixing, overlapping and dislocation of the two kinds of procedures in the core function configuration, the scope of application and the classification. In the relation between the retrial procedure and the newly added non-litigation procedure, we should follow the non-litigation legal principle, avoid the improper expansion of the scope of application of the retrial system, and maintain the "individualized" disposition of the relief mechanism of the non-litigation procedure. In the aspect of the overall construction and concrete application of the retrial system, the principle of proportion, the principle of balancing interests, the principle of exhausting other relief principles should be practiced, and the essence of particularity, exception and strictness of retrial should be gradually returned.
【作者单位】: 北京大学法学院;


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