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发布时间:2018-06-23 11:32

  本文选题:恶意诉讼 + 虚假诉讼 ; 参考:《中国社会科学院研究生院》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:诉权是法律制度赋予公民通过诉讼向国家请求维护自身合法权益的基本权利。随着法治观念日益深入人心,公民的法律意识不断提高,人们从以往的“厌讼”、“耻讼”,转变为积极地采取诉讼手段来维护自己的合法权益,但同时也出现了虚假诉讼,滥用诉讼权利,变换诉讼主体,制造事端构成诉讼要件等现象。尤其是近年来发生了甘建华被起诉案、周某和叶某自己起诉自己等案件,,引起了人们对恶意诉讼的关注。自2000年以来,我国的法学界与实务部门逐渐对恶意诉讼展开了调查和研究,取得了一定的研究成果,并多次提议将恶意诉讼纳入民法典。然而,关于恶意诉讼这一日益凸显的法律问题,我国仍然处于理论研究滞后、立法缺失和司法实务回应有限的状态。解决恶意诉讼的问题,不仅仅是遏制恶意诉讼的法治思路问题,而是带有法律理念和司法实践的双重意义。 本文通过对恶意诉讼概念的考证,综合了法律学术界和实务部门的研讨,并通过对案例的分析,以及经由对与恶意诉讼相关概念的梳理和研究,引申出关于对恶意诉讼立法规制的思考。在对恶意诉讼的辨析上,本文重点分析了相关概念的内涵和外延,强调了法律概念应以事实和行为为根据,而不能以主观意图为标准。为了进一步说明恶意诉讼是滥用诉权和虚假诉讼等相关概念的统称,本文通过对几个典型案例进行分析,阐释了恶意诉讼不能作为单独的法律概念而存在的依据。对于实践中存在的恶意诉讼现象,我们不能以点带面地看问题,而要从整体上把握恶意诉讼的现象和本质,这样才能有效地采取规制措施。从恶意诉讼的实然状况看,恶意诉讼行为在民营经济发达的地区较多,恶意诉讼往往具有合谋性和不易被发现的特点,这使得恶意诉讼行为成为了不正常民事诉讼中的“正常现象”。在对恶意诉讼作进一步的探讨后我们会发现,恶意诉讼的概念实际上具有一定的模糊性,可以作为司法工作中的术语进行应用,以期完成对特殊情况的表达任务,但要限制在一定的范围内使用。
[Abstract]:The right of action is the basic right that citizens are granted by the legal system to claim their legitimate rights and interests from the state through litigation. With the concept of the rule of law becoming more and more popular, the citizen's legal consciousness has been improved constantly. People have changed from "disgust" and "shame lawsuit" from the past to actively take the means of litigation to protect their legitimate rights and interests, but at the same time, there have also been false lawsuits. Abuse of litigation rights, change the main body of litigation, create events constitute the elements of litigation and other phenomena. Especially in recent years, Gan Jianhua has been prosecuted, Zhou and Ye own prosecution cases, attracted people's attention to malicious litigation. Since 2000, the law circles and the practical departments of our country have gradually carried out investigations and studies on malicious litigation, obtained certain research results, and proposed many times to bring malicious litigation into the Civil Code. However, with regard to the increasingly prominent legal problem of malicious litigation, our country is still in a state of lag in theoretical research, lack of legislation and limited response to judicial practice. To solve the problem of malicious litigation is not only to curb the legal thinking of malicious litigation, but also has the dual significance of legal idea and judicial practice. Through the textual research on the concept of malicious litigation, this paper synthesizes the research of the legal academic circles and the practical departments, and through the analysis of the cases, as well as through the combing and research of the concepts related to the malicious litigation, Thinking about the legislative regulation of malicious litigation. Based on the analysis of malicious litigation, this paper analyzes the connotation and extension of related concepts, and emphasizes that the legal concept should be based on facts and actions, but not on subjective intention. In order to further explain that malicious litigation is a general term of related concepts such as abuse of right of action and false litigation, this paper analyzes several typical cases and explains that malicious litigation cannot exist as a separate legal concept. As for the malevolent litigation in practice, we can't look at the problem from point to face, but we should grasp the phenomenon and essence of malicious litigation as a whole, so that we can take effective regulation measures. From the point of view of the actual situation of malicious litigation, there are more malicious litigation acts in the areas where the private economy is developed, and malicious litigation often has the characteristics of collusion and not easy to be found. This makes malicious litigation an abnormal civil action in the "normal phenomenon." After further discussion of malicious litigation, we will find that the concept of malicious litigation has a certain degree of fuzziness and can be used as a term in judicial work in order to complete the task of expressing special circumstances. However, use should be limited to a certain extent.


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5 高志刚;;民事恶意诉讼的规制和风险防范[J];法治论丛(上海政法学院学报);2008年03期




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