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发布时间:2018-06-23 14:47

  本文选题:刑事二审 + 繁简分流 ; 参考:《理论探索》2017年06期

[Abstract]:In the process of complicated and simplified trial of criminal second instance cases, a large number of "complicated cases" which should be carefully tried are artificially diverted into "simple cases", and then "simple trials" are not held in court, and there is a lack of reasonable explanation. The established reform goal of "fine review of complex cases" is alienated into de facto "simple review of complex cases". This approach weakens the judicial protection of the legal right of action, hinders the full hearing of the opinions of the participants in the proceedings, interferes with the proper perception of fairness and justice, and increases the risk of weakening judicial authority. " The growth and spread of the phenomenon of simple review of complex cases originates from the comprehensive effects of many factors, such as careless legislation, cognitive bias, contradiction of human cases, weak supervision and so on. It is suggested that the judge should scientifically identify the value level of justice and efficiency, correct the rational cognition of the objective of diverting the value of complex cases, optimize the legislative provisions on the diversion of complex cases in criminal second instance, and clarify the standard and flow setting of the diversion of complex and simplified cases. And activate the reverse force effect of judicial publicity, and jointly realize the scientific regulation of the diversion of criminal second instance cases.
【作者单位】: 中国政法大学;
【基金】:山东省法学会自选课题“网络舆论监督与依法独立审判间的冲突与互动”(SLS(2017)C13) 中国法理学研究会青年专项课题“刑事被害人及其近亲属的人权司法保障问题研究”(2015@FL002),负责人田源


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