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action limits 的翻译结果

发布时间:2016-12-05 18:13







action limits

  • 控制限(0)

         ‘ Each identification and status in society has a set of expectedaction standard, obligation and privilege, which is influenced by somesocial culture background and at the same time as the concrete contentsof the social rules, fixed the action limits for people with given status’------ that is what we call social part.



         A new optimal design of complete inspection for 'JIT' manufacturing system is presented. Based on Del Castillo and Montgomery's model, a new model is developed. Specification limits and action limits for monitoring the process are derived from the proposed model.

         研究了及时生产(JIT)管理系统中采用完全检验的最优设计问题.在Del Castillo和Montgomery模型的基础上,根据完全检验的特点,提出了一种新的最优模型.所研究的最优化设计方法对采用及时生产管理系统的企业的实际生产有积极的指导作用.


         And it puts forward that the action limits of government should be drawn back further and the market mechanism should be introduced in the government administration,so as to bring the market forces into full play;

         提出 ; 要进一步收缩政府活动范围、向政府管理领域引进市场机制 ,以充分发挥市场的力量 ;



         On the Class-action and the Limits of Justice



         Purposeful Action



         On Action in Rem



         Overcoming and Its Limits



         Change and Limits



    查询“action limits”译词为用户自定义的双语例句


      action limits

    In general, the incomplete understanding of many signal transduction inhibitors' true mechanism of action limits our ability to identify pretreatment predictors of response.


    Methods of delaying the action of local anesthetics are important, since short duration of action limits their use in the treatment of postoperative and chronic pain.


    Its action limits the extent of fusion by causing the elution of virus; this effect is particularly marked at low temperature because of the difference in Q10 for fusion and neuraminidase.


    The way researchers have traditionally measured police action limits their capacity to test legal theories and shed light onto the determinants of law at the initial stage of the criminal justice process.


    Corresponding control charts are designed for indication of warning and action limits of the calibration parameters, and diagnoses of outliers in further calibrations.



    This research deals with hair characters of 11 upland cotton strains which possess different aphid resistance, and with the relationship between them. Genetic effects of multiple hair density on main veins of leaves are also studied by analyzing 6 population generations. Results showed that the distribution characters of hair density on cotton plants are the yong stems>mainveins>sub-veins, of leaves. The back-side hairs grow on epidemics of vascular bundles. The number of multiple hairs exceeds single ones....

    This research deals with hair characters of 11 upland cotton strains which possess different aphid resistance, and with the relationship between them. Genetic effects of multiple hair density on main veins of leaves are also studied by analyzing 6 population generations. Results showed that the distribution characters of hair density on cotton plants are the yong stems>mainveins>sub-veins, of leaves. The back-side hairs grow on epidemics of vascular bundles. The number of multiple hairs exceeds single ones. The hair density on yong organs is greater. There is a highly significant relationship between the hair density on the main veins and aphid resistance, and a significant relationship of hair density of sub-veins and yong stems with aphid resistance. Multiple hairs play a major role in aphid action limits. Hair straightness also has effects on aphid resistance. Multiple hair genetics on sub-veins confirms to additive-dominant model.


    The deflection, crack and positive section bearing capability of integral slab formed by combining test stab with adjacent slab throungh laminated layer are studied . Test of laminated slab at uniform load and computer calculation proved that laminated facade bond fine, laminated layer work with porous slab together, adjacent slab's action limit crack spread of test slab, slab's bearing capability increase obviously.


    In this paper a new economic design of control chart in complete inspection is presented.Two process states,in-control and out-of-control,are assumed.When the quality characteristic of a product exceeds a predetermined action limit,a reactive action is taken for searching the assignable causes.If an out-of control state is found,a rectifying action is taken to restore the process to the in-control state.Inspected items are either accepted with quality cost or reworked according to the observed quality characteristic.Specification...

    In this paper a new economic design of control chart in complete inspection is presented.Two process states,in-control and out-of-control,are assumed.When the quality characteristic of a product exceeds a predetermined action limit,a reactive action is taken for searching the assignable causes.If an out-of control state is found,a rectifying action is taken to restore the process to the in-control state.Inspected items are either accepted with quality cost or reworked according to the observed quality characteristic.Specification limits and action limits for monitoring the observed quality characteristic.Specification limits and action limits for monitoring the process are derived from the proposed model.

    本文提出质量控制中完全检验的一种最优设计。所谓完全检验 ,也就是 1 0 0 %检验 ,是指生产出来的每一个产品都要经过检验。生产过程中有两种生产状态 :控制状态和失控状态。当一个产品的质量特征值超过预定的控制界限 ,就立即对生产过程进行检查 ,一旦发现生产失控 ,马上采取调整措施使生产恢复正常。检验后的产品按其质量特征值接受或者重新制作。根据本文所建立的质量成本模型 ,我们可以得到最优的产品质量的规格界限和控制界限 ,对实际企业的生产有积极的指导作用。


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