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发布时间:2018-06-23 20:05

  本文选题:司法活动 + 律师功能 ; 参考:《首都经济贸易大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The function of lawyer refers to the role of lawyer to the client and society through judicial activities such as taking part in litigation. On the basis of reviewing the research results of related lawyers' functions and combining with the actual situation of lawyers' functions, this paper points out the reality that the lawyer's function can not reach the ideal state after successive legal amendments. The problems of "difficult to meet", "difficult to read papers", "difficult to obtain evidence" and so on have not yet been thoroughly resolved. The "new three difficulties", such as "difficult to ask questions", "difficult to cross-examine", "difficult to debate", and so on, have been highlighted. The practice of lawyers is still in "dilemma", and the tense phenomenon about the relationship between lawyers and judicial organs, which is reported by the media from time to time, leads to the consideration of the protection of lawyers' right to practice. On the basis of the above questions, this paper further analyzes the causes of the institutional, social and traditional concepts that lead to the failure of the lawyer's function, and points out that the lawyer's function of "safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the client" is brought into full play. Further measures should be taken to safeguard the function of the correct enforcement of the law and the function of social fairness and justice. The life of law lies in realization. A legal person, including a lawyer, is a firm believer in the law and an implementer of the law. After the third Central Committee of the 18th CPC Central Committee, after the fourth Plenary session of the CPC Central Committee, the judicial reform with "trial as the center" is in progress, and the laws and regulations, including the lawyer's Law, are in the process of being revised. Standing on the new historical node to examine the function of lawyers, whether through legislation to add rights or to take specific measures to improve relief, lawyers should be more fully played in judicial activities.


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