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发布时间:2018-06-24 11:44

  本文选题:民间借贷 + 诉讼时效 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Private lending generally occurs between and among natural persons, legal persons and other organizations. It is relatively loose in form, and there are no industry norms or specific laws and regulations to limit them, so many speculators have an opportunity to take advantage of it. In recent years, the impact and impact of the Internet on the life of the whole society has been very great. Since 2013, the P2P network lending platform has been springing up like a bamboo shoots, but the events of closing down after the endless circulation of money on the platform have been exposed one after another. It has had a big negative impact. The statute of limitations system of our country, as an imported product, has a great deal of controversy in the process of its application in practice, and even many theorists have written books and suggested extending the period of limitation of action in our country. Therefore, the study on the limitation of action in private loan disputes is a complex and controversial study, which has far-reaching significance. Based on the analysis of the cases concerning the limitation of action in the settlement of civil loan disputes in the courts in recent years, this paper finds that there are disputes in the application of the limitation of action system in the civil loan disputes, such as the disputes of starting calculation, interruption and suspension, which are difficult to identify. The distribution of relevant burden of proof is unclear and the limitation of action is not applicable. There is a dispute between "creditor's request" and "creditor's establishment". In our country, "creditor request" occupies the majority position, and it is also accepted in the current legislative practice. Similarly, it is also in line with the legislative spirit to interpret the "right infringed" as "the date on which the claim is established" at the starting point of the longest limitation period. As for the limitation of action against interest, the mainstream view is that although interest is the fruits of the principal amount, it is independent in calculating the statute of limitations, and this independence is relative. Because they also believe that interest on instalments has some continuity, it should start after the expiration of the last interest. Because the main debtor and guarantor are different in the reason and magnitude of the liability in the joint and several liability guarantee, the interruption of the limitation of the joint and several guarantee liability in the joint and several liability guarantee is equal to that of the main debt, whereas the contrary cannot be done. However, in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the creditor, the validity of the interruption of the limitation of action of one surety in the joint guarantee should be equal to that of the other guarantors. Similarly, from the point of view of legal tendency to protect the interests of creditors, the conditional interruption of the limitation of action after the prosecution and the suspension of the limitation of action whose whereabouts of the debtor are unknown are all in line with the national conditions of our country. The allocation of the burden of proof in civil loan disputes is the application of the rules of burden of proof under specific circumstances, but not specific. In addition, the confirmation of invalidity of the contract is the action of confirmation, not applicable to the statute of limitations. Similarly, the debtor who evades the creditor maliciously cannot apply the statute of limitations system, and the subjective malevolent person should not receive the favor of the law. Because the statute of limitations is set up to urge the exercise of rights, and in the case of malicious evasion of debt, the principle of good faith should take precedence over the application of the prescription system. Therefore, when the obligee is unable to exercise the right because the obligor evades the debt maliciously, the problem of urging the exercise of the right should not arise.


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