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发布时间:2018-06-24 21:01

  本文选题:专家辅助人 + 专家辅助人出庭制度 ; 参考:《中南大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:2012《刑事诉讼法》正式确立起我国刑事诉讼中的专家辅助人出庭制度,为控辩双方质证鉴定意见提供了一种新的有效方法。这不仅有助于当事人充分行使诉讼权利,尽可能地排除司法者可能存在的肆意与偏见,而且有助于法庭正确评价鉴定意见,认定案件事实,从而保障裁判公正。然而,我国刑事诉讼中专家辅助人出庭制度尚未形成完整体系,立法本身没有具体的实体规则和程序规则,可以预见其在司法实践中必将遭遇适用性困难。 研究表明,刑事诉讼专家辅助人是一种新型的诉讼参与人,采取“聘用为主,指定为辅”的双轨选任机制能够较好满足当前司法实践对刑事诉讼专家辅助人出庭的需求。为了保证庭审质证效果和裁判公正,专家辅助人出庭必须遵守回避原则,认真行使和履行阅卷权、质证权、保持客观中立以及对法庭的优先义务等权利义务,并且承担因故意或重大过失导致的法律责任。同时,法庭对专家意见的采纳,需要结合全案作出综合评价,避免可能发生的科学误导。另外,逐步建立鉴定信息披露机制和专家索引库等,也是司法实务具体操作的新思路。
[Abstract]:In 2012, the Criminal procedure Law formally established the system of expert assistant appearing in court in criminal proceedings in our country, which provided a new and effective method for cross-examination and appraisal of both prosecution and defense. This will not only help the parties to fully exercise their litigation rights and eliminate as far as possible the arbitrariness and prejudice that the judiciaries may have, but also help the courts to correctly evaluate the opinions of the judges, identify the facts of the cases, and thus ensure the impartiality of the judges. However, the system of expert assistant appearing in court in criminal procedure in our country has not formed a complete system, the legislation itself does not have concrete substantive rules and procedural rules, it can be predicted that it will encounter difficulties of applicability in judicial practice. The research shows that the expert assistant of criminal procedure is a new type of litigant participant. The two-track selection mechanism of "employing mainly and appointing as auxiliary" can better meet the needs of the current judicial practice for the criminal procedure expert assistant to appear in court. In order to ensure the result of cross-examination and the justice of the judge, the expert assistant must abide by the principle of recusal, exercise and fulfill the right of marking, the right of cross-examination, keep the objective neutrality and the priority obligation to the court, etc. And undertake the legal liability caused by intentional or gross negligence. At the same time, the court's acceptance of the expert opinion needs to make a comprehensive evaluation combined with the whole case to avoid possible scientific misinformation. In addition, it is a new idea of judicial practice to set up the information disclosure mechanism and expert index database.


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