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发布时间:2018-06-25 13:06

  本文选题:案外人 + 申请再审 ; 参考:《辽宁大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The civil retrial procedure is a special relief procedure and an important part of the theory of civil procedure. There is a special type of starting subject in the civil retrial procedure, that is, the person outside the case. In the judicial practice of our country, it is effective to judge the interests of the outsiders in the case of damage, and the outsiders put forward different opinions and apply for treatment to the people's court. See. The implementation of the interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on the application of the judicial supervision procedure of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, which makes the outsider having the right to request a retrial to the people's court for the effect of an effective umpire on the rights and interests of the people. But because the present law is limited, it leads to the exercise of the case by the outsiders. The right to retrial is difficult. This article focuses on the study of the theoretical and practical significance of the application of the retrial system by outsiders. Through the comparison and analysis of the relevant systems, the present situation and existing problems of the system in China are put forward, and the relevant countermeasures to improve the system are found out in view of the problems. This article outlines the basic theory of the application for retrial by the outsiders, and puts forward the determination of the basic theory of the retrial. The outsider of the case is one of the bases for the application of the procedure. Although the legal and judicial interpretations do not make it clear, the author, through the analysis and synthesis of the previous theories, puts forward several criteria for determining the outsider of the case. In addition, it must be supported by the basic theory of civil litigation so that the retrial system of the outsiders can be established. The author believes that the basic theories of the case for retrial include the theory of right relief, the theory of the guarantee of the right of referee, the theory of the civil litigious right and the theory of due process. The application of the case to the case of the case of the case is to protect the rights and interests of the outsiders, to restrain the function of the false litigation, and to safeguard the objective justice of the referee, and to safeguard the judicial authority. In addition, there are still many problems in the existing legal and judicial interpretations of the legal and judicial interpretations of the case for retrial. The author puts forward the problems and expounds the corresponding suggestions. After analyzing the provisions of the retrial system of the outsiders, the scope of the outsiders, the application of the retrial, the examination standards, the review procedure and the retrial are discussed. Constructive opinions are put forward in the trial procedure of the case to improve the application of the retrial system. The current legal and judicial interpretation mainly stipulates that the outsider who objected to the subject matter or the object of execution has the right to apply for retrial. The author believes that such a provision makes the scope of the outsider of the retrial right too narrow and limited. After the people's court accepts the objection, it is necessary to examine the reasons for the application of the retrial. As the case is different from the legal status of the original litigant, the application of the retrial is not completely applicable to the applicant for retrial. The author believes that the relevant provisions should be perfected to protect the outsiders. Rights and interests. The execution objections put forward by the people's Court of our country are first to review the reasons for the application, to comply with the law, to make a ruling or to retrial, and to dismiss the application for retrial of the retrial. The outsider is not the subject of the law's right to start the retrial. In judicial practice, the outsiders often meet Shen. Therefore, the author believes that China should establish a system of retrial litigation for outsiders, and turn the right of appeal from the outsider to the real right of action.


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