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发布时间:2018-06-25 19:23

  本文选题:民事公益诉讼 + 公民 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着经济的发展,各类新型社会问题不断涌现。近年来,,损害社会公共利益的事件集中爆发,尤其环境污染和侵害消费者合法权益问题最为严重,我国学界讨论已久的建立公益诉讼制度问题逐渐提上日程。随着修改后的《民事诉讼法》的实施,针对条文中具有民事公益诉讼原告资格的主体问题,一直是当前热议的问题。具体条文仅对具有原告资格的主体进行了概括性的表述,并且也没有将讨论中热议的公民纳入其中,公民是否应当赋予原告资格值得进一步的讨论。 公益诉讼制度的建立突破了传统的当事人制度,随着社会发展的需要,概括规定的原告主体范围也将受到挑战。公民是社会组成的最基本单位,社会公共利益与其生活密切相关,公民是捍卫社会公共利益最积极的倡导者和执行者。对赋予公民民事公益诉讼原告资格的研究,目的在于肯定赋予其原告资格的合理性及必要性。同时,针对现有程序和制度存在的欠缺,提出切实可行的合理建议,以便于公民在保护社会公共利益问题上得到更大的支持。 本文立足于肯定赋予公民原告资格的立场,在提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的逻辑思维模式引导下,兼顾程序建构和制度保障两方面可能遇到的问题,从理论和实际出发,为赋予公民原告资格提供理论和现实的支持,为公民保护社会公共利益提供更多的保障。 首先,本文对我国民事公益诉讼制度的现状进行阐释,采用文义解释的方法对《民事诉讼法》中认可的原告主体特征进行总结,并结合具体情况对原告主体范围进行概括。同时,从理论和现实角度出发,对未赋予公民原告资格问题进行讨论。结合当事人制度、滥诉情况和现有体系上的缺失,对公民未取得原告资格的原因加以分析。 随后,本文立足于肯定赋予公民原告资格的立场,对公民取得原告资格的合理性进行讨论。根据我国现有法律法规的规定,为公民取得原告资格寻求理论支持。从现实情况出发,分析诉讼成本对公民滥诉情况的抑制作用,间接地为公民取得原告资格的合理性提供支持。通过比较公民与热议的几类诉讼主体,突显出公民作为民事公益诉讼原告的优势。在分析赋予公民原告资格的社会价值和意义的基础上,进一步肯定公民取得原告资格的合理性。 最后,本文从程序建构和制度保障两条主线出发,为公民参与民事公益诉讼活动提供程序和制度上的支持。在程序建构问题上,本文在参考诉讼信托制度的基础上,对公民提起民事公益诉讼进行规范化。在借鉴域外诉前审查机制的基础上,提出适合我国的立案前置审查程序。在结合实践中遇到的民事公益诉讼案件类型后,对公民提起的民事公益诉讼案件类型及管辖问题进行讨论。从司法公正透明的角度出发,建议将立案公告与判决公告应用于民事公益诉讼中。在制度保障问题上,本文主要围绕诉讼成本问题进行研究,分别以诉讼费用制度以及公益基金制度为着眼点。在分析传统诉讼费用制度的优劣后,对其提出几点改良的建议。由于单纯地改良诉讼费用制度并不能从根本上解决诉讼成本存在的问题,在参考域外解决诉讼成本问题的方法后,提出适合我国的公益基金制度建立设想,从公益基金的来源和使用问题上,对该设想进行完善,以便对诉讼成本问题提出新的解决途径。 域外某些国家在经历多年的实践后总结出的经验,对我国民事公益诉讼制度的完善具有极为重要的价值。本文在参考和借鉴的基础上,更加注重分析我国的现实情况,更加注重理论与实际的有效结合。随着相关司法解释的出台,以及我国民事公益诉讼制度的逐步完善,赋予公民原告资格具有重要的现实意义。无论在司法实践领域,亦或在社会公共利益的有效维护方面,公民的参与均会发挥巨大的作用。
[Abstract]:With the development of the economy, various kinds of new social problems are emerging. In recent years, events that have damaged social and public interests have erupted, especially the problem of environmental pollution and the infringement of the legitimate rights and interests of consumers is the most serious. The problem of establishing public interest litigation system has been put on the agenda for a long time in the Chinese academic circles. The subject of the plaintiff qualification in civil public interest litigation in the provisions has been a hot issue at present. The specific articles only give a general description of the subject of the plaintiff's qualification, and there is no citizen in the discussion. Whether the citizen should be given the qualification of the plaintiff should be further discussed.
The establishment of public interest litigation system has broken through the traditional party system. With the need of social development, the scope of the main body of the plaintiff will be challenged. Citizens are the most basic units of social composition, and the social public interests are closely related to their lives. Citizens are the most active advocates and executors of the public interests. The study of the plaintiff qualification to civil civil public interest litigation is aimed at affirming the reasonableness and necessity of giving the plaintiff qualification. At the same time, in view of the lack of existing procedures and systems, practical and reasonable suggestions are put forward so that citizens can be more supported on the protection of social public interests.
This paper, based on the affirmative position of the citizen's plaintiff qualification, and under the guidance of the logical thinking mode of putting forward questions, analyzing problems and solving problems, taking into account the possible problems in two aspects of procedural construction and system guarantee, from theory and practice, provides theoretical and practical support for the civil plaintiff qualification, and protects the public for the citizens. More security is provided by the common interests.
First of all, this article explains the status of the civil public interest litigation system in China, summarizes the characteristics of the plaintiff's subject approved in the civil procedure law, and summarizes the scope of the plaintiff's subject in combination with the specific circumstances. At the same time, from the theoretical and practical point of view, the issue of the plaintiff qualification has not been discussed. Combined with the litigant system, the situation of excessive litigation and the lack of the existing system, the reasons for citizens not obtaining the plaintiff qualification are analyzed.
Then, based on the affirmative position of the citizen's plaintiff qualification, this paper discusses the rationality of citizens' qualification for the plaintiff. According to the provisions of the existing laws and regulations of China, it seeks the theoretical support for the citizens to obtain the plaintiff qualification. To provide support for the reasonableness of the plaintiff's qualification. By comparing the subjects of civil and hot arguments, it highlights the superiority of the citizen as the plaintiff of the civil public interest litigation. On the basis of analyzing the social value and significance of the civil plaintiff qualification, it further affirms the reasonableness of the citizen's acquisition of the plaintiff's qualification.
Finally, from the two main lines of procedural construction and system guarantee, this paper provides procedural and institutional support for civil participation in civil public interest litigation. On the basis of the procedure construction, this article standardizing civil public interest litigation on the basis of reference to the litigation trust system. In the case of civil public interest litigation cases encountered in practice, the types of civil public interest litigation cases and jurisdiction issues raised by citizens are discussed. From the perspective of judicial fairness and transparency, it is suggested that the announcement of case and decision announcement be applied to civil public interest litigation. On the issue of degree guarantee, this paper focuses on the cost of litigation, taking the litigation cost system and the public welfare fund system as the point of view. After analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the traditional litigation cost system, this paper puts forward some suggestions for improvement. The problem, after referring to the method of solving the problem of the cost of litigation, put forward the idea of establishing a public welfare fund system suitable for our country, and perfected the idea from the source and use of the public welfare fund, so as to put forward a new solution to the cost of litigation.
The experience summed up by some foreign countries after years of practice is of great importance to the perfection of the civil public interest litigation system in China. On the basis of reference and reference, this article pays more attention to the analysis of the reality of our country and pays more attention to the effective combination of theory and practice. With the introduction of relevant judicial interpretations, and I The gradual perfection of civil public interest litigation system in China is of great practical significance to the civil plaintiff qualification. Both in the field of judicial practice and in the effective maintenance of social public interests, the participation of citizens will play a great role.


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