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发布时间:2018-06-25 17:26

  本文选题:技术侦查 + 隐私权 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着社会的发展、法治的进步,人们逐渐认识到保障隐私权对于实现个人自由、维护人性尊严、促进社会发展具有重要意义,在刑事诉讼中保护隐私权的呼声也越来越强烈。技术侦查由于兼具有技术性、秘密性与顺向性,相较其他侦查行为而言对公民隐私权更具侵犯性,可以说技术侦查是在常态社会条件下最深刻地影响公民隐私权的国家权力运作程序之一,现行《刑事诉讼法》首次将技术侦查措施纳入规制范围,对技术侦查措施适用的案件范围、决定与执行主体、实施期限、保密义务、相关材料的保管与使用及其证据能力等作出了规定,在刑事程序基本法的层面为相对人隐私权的保障提供了法律依据,但相关规定还不完善,理论研究也有待深入,因此,本文将技术侦查中的隐私权保护问题作为研究对象,全文分四个部分对这一论题加以阐述。 第一部分是技术侦查中的隐私权保护概述。在此部分首先明确技术侦查指的是公安机关、人民检察院为了侦查犯罪,根据国家有关规定,利用科学技术设备对人、地、事同步进行监控的一类秘密侦查措施,包括:通信监控、行踪监控、记录监控、场所监控等秘密的专门技术手段。然后从必要性、可行性与国际发展趋势三方面论证了隐私权是一项宪法基本权利。再通过分析技术侦查与隐私权存在的合理性,得出应当对二者进行双向度的调节,以在侦查需要与隐私权保障之间保持适度的平衡的结论。最后,通过介绍、分析国外的相关理论后,指出应综合采取合理的隐私期待标准与价值权衡的方法来界定技术侦查中隐私权保护的范围。 第二部分是技术侦查中隐私权保护的比较法考察。本部分从技术侦查措施的适用条件、期限、审批程序、监督与救济程序等方面分别对美、英、德、日四个国家技术侦查中隐私权保护的相关做法进行了介绍,在此基础上对主要法治国家技术侦查中隐私权保护的共通性做法进行了总结,以期为我国提供有益的借鉴。 第三部分是我国技术侦查中隐私权保护存在的问题。本部分分析了现行法律规定存在的问题,包括:技术侦查措施适用的案件范围规定模糊、适用条件过于宽松、内部行政审批方式无法防止权力滥用、有关材料的使用规定不明确、监督措施缺乏可操作性、隐私权被不当限制的公民救济权缺失。 第四部分是我国技术侦查中隐私权保护制度的完善。由于技术侦查措施的启动与实施会限制作为宪法基本权利的隐私权,因而它是一类强制侦查行为,完善有关制度时与实务操作中都要遵循强制侦查所共有的原则,,包括:程序法定原则、比例原则、司法审查原则。本部分在明确了技术侦查应当遵守的基本原则后,从技术侦查措施适用的案件范围、适用条件、审批程序、所获材料的使用、监督与救济程序五个方面提出完善我国技术侦查中隐私权保护的相关规定的具体构想。
[Abstract]:With the development of the society and the progress of the rule of law, people gradually realize that the protection of privacy is of great significance for the realization of personal freedom, the maintenance of human dignity and the promotion of social development, and the voice of protecting the right of privacy in criminal proceedings is becoming stronger and stronger. Technical investigation is more intrusive to the right to privacy of citizens than other investigative acts because of its technical nature, secrecy and orientation. It can be said that technical investigation is one of the operating procedures of state power which has the most profound influence on citizens' right to privacy under the normal social conditions. The present Criminal procedure Law for the first time brings technical investigation measures into the scope of regulation. The scope of cases applicable to technical investigation measures, the determination and enforcement of the subject, the time limit for implementation, the obligation of confidentiality, the custody and use of relevant materials and their evidentiary capacity, etc., have been stipulated. The basic law of criminal procedure provides the legal basis for the protection of the relative person's right to privacy, but the relevant provisions are not perfect, and the theoretical research needs to be further studied. Therefore, this paper takes the protection of privacy in the technical investigation as the object of study. The thesis is divided into four parts. The first part is the summary of privacy protection in technical investigation. In this part, first of all, it is clear that the technical investigation refers to a kind of secret investigation measures that the public security organs, the people's procuratorates, in order to investigate crimes, use scientific and technological equipment to monitor people, places, and affairs simultaneously, according to the relevant regulations of the state. Including: communication monitoring, tracking monitoring, recording monitoring, site monitoring and other secret technical means. Then it proves that the right of privacy is a constitutional basic right from three aspects: necessity, feasibility and international development trend. Through the analysis of the rationality of the existence of technical investigation and privacy, it is concluded that they should be adjusted in both directions in order to maintain a proper balance between the needs of investigation and the protection of privacy. Finally, by introducing and analyzing the relevant theories in foreign countries, the author points out that the scope of privacy protection in technical investigation should be defined by adopting the reasonable privacy expectation standard and the method of value tradeoff. The second part is the comparative investigation of privacy protection in technical investigation. This part introduces the relevant practices of the protection of the right of privacy in the technical investigation in the United States, Britain, Germany and Japan from the aspects of the applicable conditions, the time limit, the examination and approval procedure, the supervision and the relief procedure of the technical investigation measures. On this basis, this paper summarizes the common practice of protecting the right of privacy in the technical investigation of the main countries ruled by law, in order to provide useful reference for our country. The third part is the problem of privacy protection in our technical investigation. This part analyzes the problems existing in the current legal provisions, including: the scope of cases applicable to technical investigation measures is vague, the applicable conditions are too loose, and the internal administrative examination and approval method cannot prevent the abuse of power. The use of relevant materials is unclear, the supervision measures are not operable, and the right to civil relief is not properly restricted. The fourth part is the perfection of privacy protection system in Chinese technical investigation. As the initiation and implementation of technical investigation measures will limit the right to privacy as a basic constitutional right, it is a kind of compulsory investigation behavior. When perfecting the relevant system and practical operation, we should follow the common principles of compulsory investigation. Including: the principle of legal procedure, the principle of proportionality, the principle of judicial review. After defining the basic principles that the technical investigation should abide by, this part deals with the scope of cases, applicable conditions, examination and approval procedures, and the use of the materials obtained by the technical investigation measures. Five aspects of supervision and relief procedure are put forward to perfect the relevant provisions of privacy protection in technical investigation in China.


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