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发布时间:2018-06-26 10:24

  本文选题:精神障碍患者 + 强制医疗程序 ; 参考:《重庆大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:精神障碍患者的管制问题,不仅仅是一个法律问题,,也已成为了一个社会问题,受到了社会各界的广泛关注。过多的精神障碍患者散居于社会,无人监管,是影响社会安定和谐的重大隐患。我国强制医疗程序制度的设计正是从对精神障碍患者的人权保障和社会防卫的角度出发,旨在消除精神障碍患者的人身危险性,并为其提供强制性治疗和社会救助,以帮助其重新回归社会。尽管我国的强制医疗程序制度在近些年取得了较为快速的发展,实现了较大的突破,但是,与国外的先进立法水平相比,我国的强制医疗程序仍然存在一些制度设计上的不合理之处,对精神障碍患者的权利救济的相关规定并不十分完善。总体来说,我国的强制医疗程序制度仍然存在较大的发展空间。这也是我们研究强制医疗程序制度的目的之所在。本文主要着眼于分析研究我国强制医疗程序的立法现状,针对我国强制医疗程序制度的改进完善,为其提供合理化建议,并作出小结。本文主要分为五个部分: 第一部分是强制医疗程序概述。从强制医疗程序的立法背景、基本内涵和基本原则三个方面对强制医疗程序进行概括分析,以期对强制医疗程序有概括性的了解。 第二部分是我国强制医疗程序制度的立法发展。阐述了我国强制医疗程序制度的历史发展情况,以及当前的立法现状。 第三部分是我国强制医疗程序制度的缺陷分析。对当前我国存在的立法冲突和运行障碍进行分析研究,并对可改进完善之处进行概括。 第四部分是域外强制医疗程序之比较分析。分别对英国、美国、加拿大、俄罗斯、德国以及韩国这几个国家的相关程序进行了研究,概括其特点,并分析其借鉴意义。 第五部分是我国强制医疗程序制度的完善。对如何协调我国强制医疗程序制度中的立法冲突以及破除运行障碍提出了合理的建议。最后,对本文进行小结。
[Abstract]:The regulation of patients with mental disorders is not only a legal problem, but also a social problem. Too many patients with mental disorders are scattered in society and unsupervised, which is a major hidden trouble affecting social stability and harmony. The design of compulsory medical procedure system in China is aimed at eliminating the personal danger of patients with mental disorders and providing them with compulsory treatment and social assistance from the point of view of human rights protection and social defense of patients with mental disorders. To help them reintegrate into society. Although the compulsory medical procedure system of our country has made rapid development in recent years and achieved great breakthrough, compared with the advanced legislation level of foreign countries, There are still some unreasonable points in the system design of compulsory medical procedure in our country, and the relevant provisions on the relief of the right of patients with mental disorders are not very perfect. Generally speaking, the compulsory medical procedure system of our country still has bigger development space. This is the purpose of our study of compulsory medical procedures. This paper focuses on the analysis and study of the legislative status of compulsory medical procedures in China, aiming at the improvement and perfection of the system of compulsory medical procedures in our country, provides reasonable suggestions for them, and makes a summary. This paper is mainly divided into five parts: the first part is an overview of compulsory medical procedures. From the legislative background, basic connotation and basic principle of the compulsory medical procedure, the author makes a general analysis of the compulsory medical procedure in order to have a general understanding of the compulsory medical procedure. The second part is the legislative development of compulsory medical procedure system in China. This paper expounds the historical development of compulsory medical procedure system in China and the current legislative situation. The third part is the defect analysis of compulsory medical procedure system in our country. This paper analyzes the legislative conflicts and obstacles existing in our country, and generalizes the possible improvement and perfection. The fourth part is the comparative analysis of extraterritorial compulsory medical procedures. This paper studies the relevant procedures of Britain, the United States, Canada, Russia, Germany and South Korea, summarizes their characteristics and analyzes the significance of their reference. The fifth part is the perfection of compulsory medical procedure system in our country. Some reasonable suggestions on how to coordinate the legislative conflicts in the compulsory medical procedure system and to break down the operational obstacles are put forward. Finally, this paper is summarized.


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