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发布时间:2018-06-26 17:11

  本文选题:事实证据确认 + 询问告知 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:适用刑事简易程序的决定程序,是指人民法院在开庭前,,对刑事案件进行审查,并决定是否按照简易程序进行审理的诉讼程序。如果适用刑事简易程序的决定不当,一方面会损害被告人合法诉讼权利,增加被告人被错判的风险,不利于防止错案,有损诉讼公正;另一方面则难以避免简易程序转为普通程序等程序倒流,无法实现简易程序的效率价值。因此,对适用刑事简易程序的决定程序进行研究,既有助于防止错误或者不当适用简易程序,保障被告人人权,实现诉讼公正,又有利于保障刑事简易程序顺利运行,实现刑事简易程序的效率价值。 本文由引言、正文和结语组成。正文分为三个部分,共38000余字。 第一部分论述适用刑事简易程序的决定程序的内涵和功能。适用刑事简易程序的决定程序,是基层人民法院对其受理的刑事案件,经依法审查和确认,对案件作出是否适用简易程序决定时应当遵守的程序。2012年《刑事诉讼法》重新设定了刑事简易程序适用的条件,但没有规定人民法院作出适用简易程序决定的程序。最高人民法院司法解释对此进行了补充。它成为人民法院作出适用简易程序决定的程序依据。以人民法院的诉讼行为为标准,适用刑事简易程序的决定程序可以分为三个子程序,分别是:事实证据条件确认程序、询问告知程序和作出决定程序。适用简易程序的决定程序作为适用刑事简易程序的开端,其正确与否,对于防止因简易程序适用不当而出现错案,实现简易程序的效率价值,具有重要的功能意义。 第二部分论述适用刑事简易程序的决定程序的运行状况。适用刑事简易程序的决定程序在实际操作中存在的问题,分布在各个子程序中,需要逐个分析,各个击破。在通过阅卷确认适用简易程序的事实证据条件方面,存在的问题有:一是法官的确认走过场,缺少实质确认过程;二是法官用以确认的参阅材料失衡,控方影响大于辩方;三是确认时惯用一人自由裁量,有失公正;四是确认结果缺少形式固定,确认易被架空。这些问题影响法院确认的公正性。在通过询问和告知确认被告人认罪和同意适用简易程序方面,存在的问题有:一是法院对“认罪与否”的询问缺少参照材料,问答形式有瑕疵,对“对指控的犯罪事实有无异议”询问时,参照的起诉书材料有缺陷,询问中会有不当“质证”的踩界行为;二是被告人同意适用简易程序的答复有失明智基础;三是法院的操作活动粗糙不当,影响询问的质量;四是法律漏洞在此凸显,证据和程序问题亟需在这个阶段解决。这部分问题突出,是改正的重点。在作出决定程序方面存在的问题有:一是作出决定的时间和方式不统一,无法兼顾司法权威和决定的灵活特征;二是发出通知和接受异议的操作有不当之处,可行性不足。开庭前最后一层滤网有失公正,仍存在程序中断和变更的风险。 第三部分论述适用刑事简易程序的决定程序的缺陷,并提出完善的长远构想和近期思路。适用刑事简易程序的决定程序,具有法治化程度不足和行政化色彩较浓两大缺陷,是实践操作出现问题的原因所在。从长远来看,庭前会议将成为刑事诉讼的必经程序,将简易程序的决定程序与之合二为一,是未来程序改进与立法完善的趋势。在当前立法框架下,应当从三个子程序内部入手,对症下药。对事实证据条件确认程序,建议从以下四个方面加以改进:一是完善刑事案件分流,提高案件质量,收缩案件数量,保证人民法院进行实质审查的材料基础和精力基础;二是平衡控辩武装,打开辩方言路,提高卷宗质量,保证审判人员兼听则明;三是规范法官行为,引入审查确认的简式“合议”机制,制作案情确认书,敦促实质审查和公正判断;四是建立科学的绩效考评机制,为法院减压,保证法官操作的正当性。对认罪和指控事实确认程序以及适用简易程序的确认程序,应当从以下三个方面加以改进:一是提升被告人的主体地位,适度解冻阅卷权,保证法定代理人和辩护人的在场权,确保被告人答复的明智基础;二是完善法定适用条件,将实践反馈的“证据异议”和“程序异议”纳入询问告知程序的范畴,避免问题后发对诉讼效率的损害;三是规范法院行为,在询问人员、程序、询问提纲及语言技巧等方面,提高询问的科学性和客观性。对作出决定程序,应当从以下三个方面加以改进:一是统一作出决定操作,将作出决定的时间统一于询问告知之后,且决定要以书面形式作出;二是及时通知检察院和辩护人,通知的载体在二者中要有所区分;三是规范异议回馈,既要保证检察院法律监督的中立合法,又要保证辩方异议的畅通正当。前面的程序越公正,决定后的异议就越少,简易程序的开启就越顺利。规范各程序的目的,在于保证刑事简易程序适用正当和效率价值的有效发挥。
[Abstract]:The decision procedure for the application of criminal summary procedure means that the people's court review the criminal cases before the court and decide whether to try the proceedings in accordance with the summary procedure. If the decision to apply the criminal summary procedure is improper, it will damage the right of the defendant's legal proceedings and increase the risk of the defendant's miscarriage, and is not conducive to the prevention of the criminal summary procedure. On the other hand, it is difficult to avoid the reverse flow of summary procedure to ordinary procedure and the efficiency value of summary procedure can not be realized on the other hand. Therefore, the study of the decision procedure for the application of criminal summary procedure is helpful to prevent errors or improper use of summary procedure, safeguard the rights of the defendant and realize the public lawsuit It is also conducive to ensuring the smooth operation of the criminal summary procedure and achieving the efficiency value of the criminal summary procedure.
This paper is composed of an introduction, a body and a conclusion. The text is divided into three parts, with a total of 38000 words.
The first part discusses the connotation and function of the decision procedure for the application of criminal summary procedure. The decision procedure for the application of criminal summary procedure is the reestablishment of the procedure of the criminal procedure of.2012 "the criminal procedure law" for the criminal cases accepted by the people's court at the grass-roots level. The conditions for the application of the criminal summary procedure, but there are no provisions for the people's court to make the decision to apply the summary procedure. The judicial interpretation of the Supreme People's court has been supplemented. It becomes the procedural basis for the decision of the people's court to apply the summary procedure. The decision procedure for the application of the criminal summary procedure in the case of the people's court is the standard. It can be divided into three sub programs: the confirmation procedure of fact evidence condition, the procedure of asking and the procedure of making the decision. The decision procedure of the application of summary procedure is the beginning of the application of criminal summary procedure. It is correct or not, to prevent the misuse of the simple procedure and to realize the efficiency value of the simple procedure. Functional meaning.
The second part discusses the operation status of the decision procedure for the application of criminal summary procedure. The problems existing in the practical operation of the decision procedure for the application of criminal summary procedure are distributed in each subprogram. It needs to be analyzed and broken by one by one. It is the judge's confirmation pass through the field and lack of substantive confirmation process; two is the unbalance of the referenced material used by the judge, the influence of the prosecution is greater than the defense; the three is to use one person's discretion and unfairness at the time of confirmation; four is the confirmation result is lack of form and the confirmation is easy to be put on the shelf. And to inform the defendant that the defendant plead guilty and agree to apply the summary procedure, there are problems: first, the court's question of "pleading guilty or not" is short of reference material, the form of question and answer is flawed, and the reference material is defective when asking "the facts of the crime on the accused", and there will be an improper "quality certificate" in the inquiry. The two is that the reply of the defendant agrees to the application of the summary procedure with the intellectual foundation of blindness; the three is the improper operation of the court, which affects the quality of the inquiry; four is the legal loophole in which the problem is highlighted, and the problem of evidence and procedure needs to be solved at this stage. This part of the problem is the focus of the correction. There exists in the decision procedure. The problems are: first, the time and way of making the decision are not unified, and the flexible characteristics of judicial authority and decision can not be taken into account. Two, the operation of giving notice and accepting dissent is improper, and the feasibility is insufficient. The last layer of filter net before the court is unfair and there is still the risk of the interruption and change of the procedure.
The third part discusses the defects of the decision procedure for the application of criminal summary procedure, and puts forward a perfect long-term conception and recent thought. The decision procedure for the application of criminal summary procedure has two major defects in the lack of rule of law and strong administrative color. It is the reason for the problems in practice. In the long run, the pre court meeting will become The compulsory procedure of criminal procedure, which combines the decision procedure of summary procedure with it, is the trend of improving the procedure and perfecting the legislation in the future. Under the current legislative framework, we should start from the three sub procedures and give the remedy to the case. It is suggested that the following four aspects should be improved: one is to improve the criminal case. Distributary, improve the quality of cases, contract the number of cases, guarantee the material basis and energy basis for the people's court to carry out substantive examination; two is to balance the armed defense and defense, open the dialectal Road, improve the quality of the files, and ensure that the judicial personnel listen to it, and the three is to standardize the judge's behavior and introduce the simple "collegial" mechanism of examination and confirmation to make confirmation of the case confirmation. Book, urging substantive examination and fair judgment; four is to establish a scientific performance appraisal mechanism, to reduce the court's relief and to ensure the justification of the judge's operation. The following three aspects should be improved: first, to improve the main body status of the accused and moderate thawing reading. To guarantee the right of presence of legal agents and defenders, to ensure the informed basis for the reply of the defendant; two to improve the legal application conditions, to incorporate the "evidence objection" and "procedural objection" into the category of the procedure of inquiring and notification, to avoid the damage to the efficiency of the lawsuit after the problem; and the three is to standardize the court behavior and inquire the personnel. We should improve the scientificity and objectivity of the inquiry, and improve the scientificalness and objectivity of the inquiry. To make the decision procedure, we should improve it from the following three aspects: first, to make a unified decision on the operation, to unify the time of decision, and to make a decision in writing; and the two is to notify the procuratorate and the argument in time. To protect the people, the carrier of the notice should be distinguished among the two; the three is to standardize the objection and feedback, not only to guarantee the neutrality of the legal supervision of the procuratorate, but also to ensure the unimpeded and legitimate objection of the defense. The more impartiality of the preceding procedure, the less the objection after the decision, the more smooth the opening of the summary procedure is, the purpose of standardizing the procedures is to guarantee the criminal Jane. The easy procedure is applicable to the proper and efficient value.


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