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发布时间:2018-06-26 18:39

  本文选题:刑事和解 + 适用范围 ; 参考:《南昌大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:“刑事和解”是指当加害人对被害人实施了“刑法”意义上的加害行为并经司法机关等中间人主持和解,在双方自愿基础上,围绕如何弥补被害人损失开展协商交谈,加害人就民事部分作出赔礼道歉、赔偿损失等,国家司法机关对加害人作出从轻、减轻、免除、甚至不起诉决定的司法制度。我国刑事和解制度源于传统思想文化的深刻影响和现实的迫切需要。该制度的产生首先是由各地方在司法实践中开始适用的,积累一定的经验后才上升到刑事诉讼法的法律高度进行规范统一。但对于该制度的适用范围,一直以来存在诸多争议。有学者认为应严格加以控制,但有学者认为应该不断拓宽其适用范围。刑事和解制度适用范围应如何界定和完善,亟待加以研究。本文通过梳理该制度适用范围的现状,分析其存在的弊端,在此基础上提出完善该制度适用范围的建议。这既能丰富学术界在这一方面的研究素材,又能为刑事和解的规范适用提供一定的帮助。因此,,本文具有一定的学术价值和实践意义。 本文共分三章。第一章为刑事和解相关理论概述。首先对“和解”、“刑事和解”等概念进行了界定。所谓“和解”,是指矛盾双方就如何解决彼此纠纷而自愿达成一致意见的过程。当“和解”一词用于刑法范畴时,就产生了“刑事和解”。刑事和解的产生有着深刻的理论和实践背景。恢复正义理论是刑事和解制度的理论核心,平衡理论和叙说理论也是该制度产生的理论背景。二战后国际社会人权保障意识的日益增强,刑事诉讼中被害人的权益日益得到关注是该制度产生的实践背景。刑事和解虽然产生的理论和实践时间不长,但有着积极的作用,主要表现为有利于修复被破坏的社会关系;有利于弥补被害人受损利益;节约司法资源;有助于被告人改过自新等。 第二章对我国刑事和解适用范围的现状分析。首先是对该制度在我国适用范围的实证考察,对全国部分省市制定的制度进行了梳理归纳和数据统计。其次是对适用范围现状进行了评析。目前该制度在我国适用范围主要是以轻罪为主,重罪为辅;以私法益为主,兼顾公私混合法益;特定情形犯罪适用和解得到有限承认;基本能达到服判息诉效果。最后分析了当前刑事和解制度适用范围存在的弊端:主要表现为对民间纠纷的理解不一;重罪案件被害人难以获得有效赔偿;侵犯公私混合法益案件被害人难以获得有效赔偿;特殊群体案件不加区分不符合实践经验和人文关怀理念;适用范围的狭窄抹杀了很多被害人寻求救济的机会;容易诱导“刑事私了”等。 第三章提出完善刑事和解制度适用范围的一些建议。在借鉴国外刑事和解适用范围的有益经验基础上,提出以犯罪客体和犯罪行为的社会危害性作为界定刑事和解适用范围的标准,最后尝试提出完善刑事和解适用范围的建议:删除“因民间纠纷引起”,故意的重罪案件应该附条件被纳入,其中内在的包含自诉案件及特殊主体案件也要被纳入;公私混合法益案件应该被纳入,完善禁止适用的案件范围。
[Abstract]:The criminal reconciliation system of our country comes from the deep influence of traditional thought culture and the urgent need of reality .

This article is divided into three chapters . Chapter one defines the theory of " reconciliation " and " criminal reconciliation " , and defines the concept of " reconciliation " and " criminal reconciliation " .
in ord to make up for that damage benefit of the victim ;
saving judicial resources ;
help the defendant to change himself and so on .

The second chapter analyzes the present situation of the application scope of China ' s criminal reconciliation . Firstly , the author makes an empirical study on the scope of application of the system in China , and sorts out and sums up the system of some provinces and cities in China .
Based on the private law , the public - private mixing method should be taken into account ;
A limited recognition of the application and reconciliation of crime - specific crimes ;
At last , the author analyzes the defects existing in the scope of application of the current criminal reconciliation system : the main performance is that the understanding of the civil dispute is different ;
It is difficult for victims in serious crimes to obtain effective compensation ;
It is difficult to obtain effective compensation for victims of violations of public - private mixed law .
The non - discrimination between special group cases does not accord with practical experience and humanistic care concept ;
The narrow application of the scope of application has killed many victims to seek redress ;
It is easy to induce " criminal and private " and so on .

In the third chapter , some suggestions for improving the scope of application of criminal reconciliation are put forward . On the basis of the useful experience of applying the scope of criminal reconciliation abroad , it is proposed that the social harmfulness of criminal object and criminal act should be regarded as the criterion for defining the scope of application of criminal reconciliation .
The case of public - private mixed law should be incorporated in order to improve the scope of cases where the application is prohibited .


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