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发布时间:2018-06-26 19:24

  本文选题:预决效力 + 既判力遮断效 ; 参考:《法律科学(西北政法大学学报)》2017年02期

[Abstract]:When the Supreme Court created the evidence rule of "Pre-judgment matter without proof", because of the unclear theoretical basis, the system logic could not agree with itself, which not only caused obstacles to theoretical interpretation, but also led to the disunity of trial application, which was objectively harmful to judicial justice. The court can directly find that the pre-judgment effect of the judgment is different from the facts stated in the judicial notice or the official document, nor can it be explained simply by the principle of good faith in litigation. Essentially, it is "non-controversial". In the civil law system, the adjudicative effect of res judicata and the exclusion effect of disputes in Anglo-American law system are all about the binding force due to the judgment of the disputed facts by the former litigation judge. Although they have different emphases on the theoretical expression, they are highly consistent in the system. It embodies the inherent law of judicature and is the legal basis of the validity of pre-determination. By learning from each other, we can construct the uniform rules for the generation of pre-determination effect and the exemption from proof of pre-determined facts.
【作者单位】: 南京大学法学院;


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