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发布时间:2018-06-28 00:19

  本文选题:污点证人 + 作证豁免 ; 参考:《内蒙古大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:At this stage, the number of organized and planned criminal activities such as corruption and bribery as well as smuggling, underworld crime, drug trading, and so on, which pose a great threat to society, is increasing day by day. In order to more effectively investigate and crack down on the above-mentioned series of criminal activities, Maintaining social fairness and justice has become a major challenge facing the investigative organs. The function of the exemption system of tainted witness (hereinafter referred to as the exemption system of tainted witness) is that it can be used as an effective means to obtain important evidence and clues in the investigation of the above-mentioned major cases, and can fundamentally solve the problem of obtaining evidence. The principle of opposing forced self-incrimination is clearly stipulated in the criminal procedure of our country. At the same time, some of the legislation, such as surrender, meritorious service and non-prosecution system, all play a positive role in establishing the system of exemption of tainted witnesses in our country. It provides a good foundation and effective guarantee for the establishment of this system in our country. The author believes that the establishment of the system of exemption of tainted witnesses is the need of the construction of the rule of law, so the necessity of constructing the system of exemption of tainted witnesses in our country is no longer discussed too much. This paper will focus on some related concepts, including the concept, characteristics and value of tainted witness, criminal immunity and stain witness exemption system. On the basis of drawing lessons from the representative national immunity system of testimony in foreign countries and combining with the current legal system and standards of our country, this paper makes a concrete plan for the establishment of the exemption system of tainted witnesses in our country.


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