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发布时间:2018-06-28 22:20

  本文选题:经济分析意见 + 专家证据 ; 参考:以反垄断诉讼为视域

[Abstract]:The emergence of economic analysis opinion in anti-monopoly litigation reflects the trend of expanding technology right. At the same time, the unique knowledge structure of anti-monopoly law also provides suitable space for economic analysis. Of course, when examining the reality of our country's system, the opinion of economic analysis has no clear position of evidence law, and the corresponding rules of evidence are still lacking, which inevitably leads to the contradiction between the technical right and the judicial right in the dispute of antitrust litigation. To investigate the historical evolution of economic analysis opinion in the extraterritorial evidence law, the expert evidence system should be regarded as the proper destination and provide the rule basis for the standardization of economic analysis opinion. On this basis, the rules of admissibility of economic analysis opinions should be constructed to provide a scientific standard for judges to collect evidence. In particular, the evidence of economic analysis should adhere to the rules of experts, reliability and relevance.
【作者单位】: 西南政法大学经济法学院;
【基金】:中国法学会2016年度部级法学研究课题《反垄断法中的正当理由抗辩规则研究》[CLS(2016)D92)] 2016年度重庆市社会科学规划博士项目《垄断行为规制中的效率抗辩研究》[2016BS040]的阶段性成果


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