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发布时间:2018-06-29 05:14

  本文选题:公众参审 + 正当性 ; 参考:《中国刑事法杂志》2013年10期

[Abstract]:Law itself contains public opinion, but does not automatically express public opinion, judicial trial is one of the important channels to express public opinion. The system of public participation made by the people jury as the characteristic of our country has been in the dilemma of "stiff but not dead" for a long time, that is, the situation of "accompanying without trial", "trial without discussion" and "discussing but indecision". For this reason, many local courts have tried to reform public participation in trial. Although some achievements have been made, most of the reforms have the characteristics of arbitrariness, disorderly and unsustainable. In addition to the lack of reformers' understanding of the legitimacy and key points of public participation, the lack of a "top design" for public participation is also an important factor. It is of great practical significance to clarify the legitimate basis and core meaning of public participation, and to explore the "top design" of public participation. Its practical approaches are as follows: taking "perfecting the five systems" as the core, establishing a perfect professional security system for judges, taking "freedom of speech" as the core, establishing channels for obtaining public opinion and discriminating public opinion, taking "three systems open" as the core, To establish a deep and effective channel for judicial publicity and to establish a legal and orderly democratic trial channel with the core of "remoulding the people's jury system".
【作者单位】: 西南政法大学;江苏省南通市中级人民法院;


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