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发布时间:2018-06-30 08:24

  本文选题:民事先予执行 + 民事假执行 ; 参考:《内蒙古大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The system of pre-emptive enforcement is essentially "pending and first executed", which means that a party is ordered to pay in advance by a ruling before the court makes a final decision. Preemptive execution is characterized by predetermination, execution, procedure and irreplaceable. The system of preemptive execution is helpful to remedy the deficiency of ex post relief of litigation procedure, which can restrict "malicious appeal" and alleviate the problem of "difficulty of execution" to a certain extent. In recent years, with the increasing of litigation rate, the application of first execution in the judicial process is also increasing year by year. The cases of application for first execution mainly focus on the elimination of obstruction and return of original civil disputes. The number of applicants and respondents has changed from the former single subject to the present complex subject. In the aspect of clear relationship between rights and obligations, the workload of evidence review in the first execution review of the court is great, and the execution difficulty after the first execution is increased. Pre-execution occurs in the process of litigation. The disposition of the parties' substantive rights and litigation rights increases the operational difficulty of the pre-execution system, such as how to deal with the first-execution ruling after the court mediation, how to connect the plaintiff's application for withdrawal with the prior execution, Whether we can revoke the first-execution ruling through the retrial procedure after the first execution, because the interpretation of the Civil procedure Law and the people's Action Law are not clear, it is difficult for our country's first execution system to adapt to the requirements of judicial practice. The first execution system of our country only pays attention to "timely" protection, neglects "effective" protection, and needs to carry on the legislation idea again, consummates the legislative principle, expands the scope of application, improves the applicable condition, increases the starting way, consummates the examination and the trial procedure. Improve relief procedures.


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2 马艳红;论我国民事先予执行制度的完善[D];内蒙古大学;2017年

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5 赵梦茹;我国先予执行制度研究[D];河南大学;2013年

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7 许桂永;域外假执行制度与我国先予执行制度的比较研究[D];西南政法大学;2010年




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