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发布时间:2018-06-30 07:29

  本文选题:检察机关 + 刑事和解 ; 参考:《华东政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:刑事和解制度是指对轻微刑事案件采用非刑事化和轻刑化方式处理的一种制度。我国2012年修改的《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》所确立的刑事和解制度充分体现了我国刑事司法活动多重价值的追求:既缓和了社会关系,又有助于构建和谐社会;既提升了被害人的地位,又体现了以人为本;既节约了司法资源,又有利于提高诉讼效率。刑事和解制度的构建在我国立法上是一个具有重要意义的突破,是我国刑事司法制度的重大创举,已经成为我国司法、理论界关注的热点,但实践中也遇到一些问题,需要不断加以改进完善。本文结合修改后刑事诉讼法的有关规定及本人办理刑事和解案件的工作实际,对我国刑事和解的含义、特征、意义、和解程序、存在问题和解决方式等问题进行了初步的探讨。 在文章的第一部分阐述了刑事和解制度的含义、特征和意义。检察环节中的刑事和解是指刑事案件在检察阶段,加害人真诚认罪悔罪,对被害人进行经济赔偿、赔礼道歉、恢复名誉,与被害人达成和解,取得被害人谅解,检察机关经过审查予以确认,,对加害人做出不批准逮捕、不起诉或者建议法院对加害人从轻、减轻处罚的一种案件处理方式。刑事和解的特征有自主性、缓和性、互利性、修复性四点。刑事和解的意义包括刑事和解是构建和谐社会的需要;刑事和解是以人为本思想的体现;刑事和解是刑罚改革发展的必然方向;刑事和解有利于提高诉讼效率、减少诉累。 在文章的第二部分,鉴于《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》、《人民检察院刑事诉讼规则(试行)》两个主要的法律规定关于刑事和解的程序性规定得不够详细,在实践中引发了关于刑事和解具体适用的一些争议,笔者不揣冒昧,根据自己的办案经验,对检察机关适用刑事和解的具体程序进行了一些研讨,具体包括刑事和解的适用范围、指导原则、和解程序、法律监督等四个方面。 文章的第三个部分,对于笔者在具体办理刑事和解案件中发现的实务方面的一些问题以及如何解决做一探讨,具体有七个方面:其一、防止漠视刑事和解,办案人员要从思想上重视刑事和解程序,重视刑事和解在构建和谐社会、切实保障人权、提高诉讼效率等方面的作用;其二、防止滥用刑事和解,在实践中对适用刑事和解的案件范围要严格按照新刑事诉讼法在第五编特别程序中规定的刑事和解程序的适用范围;其三、防止花钱买刑,办案机关要严格审查被告人是否真诚悔罪;其四、防止漫天要价,刑事和解的主持人要说服被害人实事求是地提出赔偿额度;其五、避免当事人反悔,浪费司法资源;其六、防止监督不力,检察机关要对当事双方的和解严格进行审查,审查和解协议的合法性、公正性、可行性。其七、防止司法腐败,要加强检察机关内部监督和社会监督。在整个刑事和解案件的办理中检察机关要充分发挥法律监督的职能作用,严格依法办案,切实做到办理的每一个案件都能体现公平正义。
[Abstract]:The system of criminal reconciliation refers to a system of non criminalization and light punishment for minor criminal cases. The criminal reconciliation system established by the criminal procedure law of People's Republic of China amended in 2012 fully embodies the pursuit of multiple values in criminal judicial activities in China: it has both moderated the social relations and helped to build it. Harmonious society, which not only improves the status of the victims, but also embodies the people-oriented, not only saves the judicial resources, but also helps to improve the efficiency of the litigation. The construction of the criminal reconciliation system is a significant breakthrough in our country's legislation and is a major pioneering work in the criminal justice system of our country, which has already become the judicial and theoretical circles of our country. There are some problems in the practice, but there are also some problems in practice, which need to be improved and perfected. In this paper, the relevant provisions of the revised criminal procedure law and the actual work of the criminal reconciliation case have been discussed, and the implications, characteristics, significance, reconciliation procedures, questions and solutions of the criminal reconciliation in China are preliminarily discussed.
The first part of the article expounds the meaning, characteristics and significance of the criminal reconciliation system. The criminal reconciliation in the prosecution link refers to the criminal case in the procuratorial stage, the injuring person sincerely guilty of repentance, the economic compensation for the victim, the apology, the recovery of the reputation, the reconciliation with the victim, the understanding of the victim and the examination by the procuratorial organ. To confirm, do not approve the arrest of the injuring person, do not prosecute or suggest that the court will treat the injuring person with light and mitigate the punishment. The criminal reconciliation is characterized by autonomy, moderation, mutual benefit and four points of repair. The meaning of criminal reconciliation includes the need for criminal reconciliation to build a harmonious society; criminal reconciliation is an artificial person. The criminal reconciliation is the inevitable direction of the reform and development of criminal penalty; criminal reconciliation is conducive to improving the efficiency of litigation and reducing litigation fatigue.
In the second part of the article, in view of the criminal procedure law of the People's Republic of China, the rules of the criminal procedure of the people's Procuratorate (Trial), the procedural provisions of the two main legal provisions on the criminal reconciliation are not detailed enough. In practice, there are some disputes about the specific application of the criminal reconciliation. Experience, the specific procedures for the application of criminal reconciliation to the procuratorial organs are discussed, including the scope of the application of criminal reconciliation, the guiding principles, the procedure of reconciliation, and the legal supervision of four aspects.
The third part of the article is about the practical aspects of the criminal reconciliation cases and how to solve the problems. There are seven aspects: first, to prevent the indifference to criminal reconciliation, the case handling personnel should pay attention to the criminal reconciliation process in thought, pay attention to the criminal reconciliation in the construction of a harmonious society, and ensure that the criminal reconciliation in the construction of a harmonious society is effective. To prevent human rights and improve the efficiency of litigation; secondly, to prevent the abuse of criminal reconciliation, in practice, the scope of the application of criminal reconciliation in the scope of the criminal reconciliation procedure stipulated in the new criminal procedure law in the fifth series of special procedures should be strictly in accordance with the scope of the application of the criminal reconciliation procedure stipulated in the new criminal procedure law in the special procedure of the criminal procedure. The fourth, the compere of criminal reconciliation should persuade the victim to put forward the amount of compensation in a realistic way; fifth, avoid the parties' remorse and waste the judicial resources; six, to prevent the poor supervision, the procuratorial organ should strictly examine the reconciliation between the parties and examine the legality and impartiality of the settlement agreement. Seventh, to prevent judicial corruption, we should strengthen the internal supervision and social supervision of the procuratorial organs. In the handling of the whole criminal reconciliation cases, the procuratorial organs should give full play to the functional role of the legal supervision, run the cases strictly according to law, and do all the cases in practice can reflect the fairness and justice.


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