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发布时间:2018-06-30 20:49

  本文选题:审前羁押 + 程序控制 ; 参考:《河南社会科学》2015年08期

[Abstract]:In the judicial practice, the system of pretrial detention in our country has some drawbacks, such as the expansion of the object of criminal detention, the high rate of application of the arrest measures, the excessive extension of the detention period, the repeated prohibition of the extended detention, and so on. We should establish as soon as possible the principles of separating arrest from custody, separating the period of custody from the deadline of handling a case, and hearing the case promptly, and reform the examination procedure for approving arrest based on the above principles. The procedure of examination and approval of the extension of the period of detention and the procedure of relief of detention. At the same time, we should perfect the procedure supervision mechanism of criminal detention and the extension of detention period, and establish the procedural sanction mechanism of extended detention so as to further strengthen the control, correction and procedural sanction functions of illegal and arbitrary detention.
【作者单位】: 北京市东城区人民检察院;


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