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发布时间:2018-06-30 21:56

  本文选题:环境侵权 + 民事赔偿 ; 参考:《宁波大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Industrialization and urbanization accelerate the economic development of our country, but at the same time, it also brings negative impact and destruction to the environment, and the number of environmental violations in various parts of the world is increasing year by year. The occurrence of various types of environmental tort even causes serious damage to the environment and the physical and mental health of others. How to balance the interests of the parties involved in such environmental tort events, so that the victims can obtain reasonable compensation, Until the effective civil compensation to further stop the occurrence of environmental damage events is the focus of our country's environmental tort civil compensation legal system construction. Compared with other general tort, the research on environmental tort and the solution of the incident are more complicated. At present, our country is devoting itself to the construction of a socialist country ruled by law, and has greatly improved its legal system, and the civil legal system of environmental tort has also been further improved, but from the overall point of view, The protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the victim after the result of the damage, the scope of compensation received, etc., are still very immature. These defects in the construction of environmental protection laws directly affect the stability of social and economic development and the balance of the ecosystem, especially the imperfection of the civil compensation system for environmental tort, which not only fails to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the victims, but also to protect the legal rights and interests of the victims. At the same time, it is also unfavorable to give full play to the value of prevention and punishment of law. Therefore, it is necessary to renew and perfect the theoretical basis in the process of legal practice of environmental protection in our country, so as to realize the all-round protection of ecological environment. The paper is divided into three parts. Firstly, it discusses the development and practice of civil compensation system of environmental tort in China. In the aspect of legislative development, it focuses on the analysis of personal injury, property damage and ecological damage. In the practice part, it focuses on three major environmental tort events. Secondly, it analyzes the difficulties in the legislative design and practical operation of civil compensation for environmental tort in China. The main problems in legislative design are that the value of legal prevention has not been brought into full play, the path of civil compensation is single, and the spiritual damage has not really been brought into the scope of compensation for environmental tort damage. The legislative provisions of ecological environmental damage compensation are short of operational and so on. In practice, the result of damage is extensive and complicated, the evaluation of civil compensation is lack of fixed standard, the victim is difficult to obtain actual compensation and so on. Finally, it studies how to further improve the system of civil compensation for environmental tort in China, including the scientific definition of the scope of civil compensation for environmental tort and the evaluation of quantitative methods. Perfecting the relevant system of spiritual damages and adopting the combination of punitive and compensatory systems.


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