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发布时间:2018-07-03 05:53

  本文选题:完善 + 技术侦查措施 ; 参考:《中国海洋大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the accelerating pace of social transformation in our country , the total amount of criminal offence has increased , and it presents the trend of increasing complexity and intelligence , which leads to more and more frequent use of technical investigation measures in criminal cases .
Second , the supervision mechanism of technical investigation measures is seriously missing ;
Third , the use of technical investigation evidence is to be unified . The fourth , the remedy procedure of technical investigation measure is missing . By studying the legislation of extraterritorial technology investigation measure , the United States , the United Kingdom and Germany have made clear the technical investigation measures , and the legislation has the following characteristics : First , the examination and approval procedure is strict , the second is the comprehensive regulation of the relief route , and the third , diverse supervision procedure . In the judicial practice of our country , the implementation of the technical investigation measure should go through multi - level internal examination and approval system , and has strict application procedure . In view of the fact that the criminal procedure law has written the technical investigation measure , the current law should clearly specify the existing practice and realize the openness and transparency of the procedure .
( 2 ) To introduce the legal supervision mechanism . We should insist on the mode of internal and external supervision , on the one hand , build the internal law enforcement supervision mechanism of " human supervision , system supervision and technical supervision " on the one hand , and gradually transition to the supervision mode of procuratorial organs ;
( 3 ) perfecting the evidence system of technical investigation ;
( 4 ) Increase the procedure of technical investigation and relief , and clarify the relief channels of technical investigation measures in China by specifying the obligation of investigative organs and increasing the rights of citizens .


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