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发布时间:2018-07-05 09:31

  本文选题:民事程序选择权 + 程序主体性原则 ; 参考:《山西大学》2009年硕士论文

【摘要】: 民事程序选择权是当事人在解决民事纠纷或民事诉讼中所享有的一项重要权利。本文从“一元钱纠纷”引起的思考入手,引出民事程序选择权的概念,进而指出本文采取“广义说”,并从民事程序选择权的性质、与处分权的界限及其功能分析三个方面进一步明确了民事程序选择权的基本内涵。其次,笔者通过对民事程序选择权的正当性分析强化了这一权利的重要意义,具体从民事程序选择权的哲学基础、经济学基础和法理基础三个角度阐释了它的理论基础;从市场经济、司法现状和人权发展趋势三个角度阐释了它的现实必要性。再次,从民事程序选择权的效力和对它的合理限制两个方面论述了民事程序选择权的基本原理。民事程序选择权的效力包括对当事人的约束力和对法院的约束力。一切权力都有被滥用的危险,民事诉讼的主体被法律赋予了广泛的权利,但是如果只是给予行使程序权力的自由,而不进行必要的规范,程序权利则必然存在被滥用的危险。因此,有必要对民事程序选择权进行合理的限制。最后,结合国内外关于民事程序选择权的立法现状对我国现行立法存在的缺陷及成因进行了分析,并在此基础上,结合基本理论对完善我国民事诉讼程序选择权提出了具体的建议。 第一部分民事程序选择权概述。本部分首先从民事程序选择权的定义入手,认为民事程序选择权是指在民事纠纷发生以后,当事人在法律规定的范围内自主选择纠纷解决方式或者在民事诉讼中当事人自主选择相关的程序或者与程序有关的事项的权利;其次对民事程序选择权的性质进行准确定位,指出民事程序选择权是宪法性权利、私法性权力、为保障实体权利实现而设置的程序性权利,并将民事程序选择权与处分权和程序控制权分别进行了比较分析。再次,通过对民事程序选择权功能的分析强化了民事程序选择权的价值。 第二部分民事诉讼程序选择权存在的正当性分析。这一章阐述了当事人的民事程序选择权存在的两大基石:理论基础和现实必要性。民事程序选择权的存在具有三大理论依据,即在哲学上,个体需要自由;在经济学上,每一个理性的人都是自己利益的最佳判断者;在法理学上,人权是宪法基础,程序主体性原则是程序法基础,私权自治是实体法基础。除了理论上的依据之外,还有社会现实的需要。发展市场经济、解决我国现阶段的两大司法困境以及顺应当今人权保障的国际趋势,这些都需要在法律上明确赋予当事人民事程序选择权并为其实现提供保障。 第三部分阐述了民事程序选择权的基本原理。在分别阐述了民事程序选择权对当事人和法院的效力的基础上,继而着重论述对民事程序选择权进行合理限制的必要性和应考虑的因素。 第四部分对相关的民事程序选择权的立法进行了系统考察。在现代民事纠纷解决领域,私权自治和尊重当事人程序处分权的理念已经成为一种趋势,并在许多国家或地区的立法中有所体现。该部分主要以美国、法国以及我国台湾地区的法为范例,就其立法中关于民事程序选择权的规定作简要介绍。 第五部分论述了我国民事程序选择权的现状及制度重构。从我国理论研究和立法状况两个方面,对我国民事程序选择权的现状进行分析。并在此基础上,提出完善和保障民事程序选择权的基本思路。
[Abstract]:The choice of civil procedure is an important right which the parties enjoy in the settlement of civil or civil litigation. Starting with the thinking caused by the "one dollar money dispute", this article leads to the concept of the right to choose the civil procedure, and then points out that this article adopts the "broad sense", and the nature of the choice right from the civil procedure, the boundary and the merit of the disposition right. The three aspects can further clarify the basic connotation of the right to choose the civil procedure. Secondly, the author strengthens the significance of this right through the analysis of the legitimacy of the civil procedure selection right, and explains its theoretical basis from the philosophical basis of the civil procedure selection right, the economic basis and the legal basis; from the market, the author explains its theoretical basis; Economic, judicial status and the development trend of human rights three angles to explain the necessity of its reality. Again, the basic principle of the civil procedure selection right is discussed from two aspects of the validity of the civil procedure choice and its reasonable restriction. The effectiveness of the civil procedure selection right includes the binding force to the parties and the binding force to the court. Force has the danger of being abused. The subject of civil action is given a wide range of rights by law. But if it is only given the freedom to exercise procedural power without the necessary norms, the procedural rights will inevitably be abused. Therefore, it is necessary to restrict the choice of civil procedure right. The legislative situation of the right of civil procedure selection has made an analysis on the defects and causes of the existing legislation in our country, and on this basis, it puts forward specific suggestions on improving the right to choose the civil procedure in our country with the basic theory.
The first part is an overview of the right of civil procedure selection. This part begins with the definition of the right of civil procedure selection. It is considered that the right of civil procedure selection refers to the parties' independent choice of the dispute settlement mode within the scope of the law, or the independent selection of relevant procedures or procedures in the civil procedure after the civil dispute occurs. The right of the related matters; secondly, accurately positioning the nature of the right to choose the civil procedure, pointing out that the civil procedure selection right is the constitutional right, the private law power, the procedural right set up to guarantee the realization of the substantive rights, and compares the civil procedure selection right with the right of disposition and the control right of the process. The analysis of the right to choose civil procedure strengthens the value of the right to choose civil procedure.
The second part is an analysis of the legitimacy of the right to choose the civil procedure. This chapter expounds the two cornerstones of the right to choose the civil procedure of the parties: the theoretical basis and the practical necessity. There are three theoretical bases for the existence of the right to choose the civil procedure, that is, in philosophy, the individual needs freedom; in economics, every rational person is in the economy. It is the best judge of its own interests; in jurisprudence, human rights are the basis of the constitution, the principle of procedural subjectivity is the basis of procedural law, and the autonomy of private rights is the basis of the substantive law. Besides the theoretical basis, there is the need of social reality, the development of market economy, the solution of the two judicial plight at the present stage of our country and the country that conforms to the present human rights protection. These trends need to be legally given to the parties to choose the right to civil proceedings and provide protection for their realization.
The third part expounds the basic principle of the right to choose the civil procedure. On the basis of the effectiveness of the civil procedure selection right to the parties and the court, the necessity and the factors to be considered are emphatically discussed.
In the fourth part, the legislation of the right to choose the civil procedure is systematically investigated. In the field of modern civil dispute settlement, the idea of private autonomy and respect for the right of procedural punishment of the parties has become a trend and is reflected in the legislation of many countries or regions. This part is mainly in the United States, France and the Taiwan region of our country. As an example, this article gives a brief introduction to the provisions on the choice of civil procedure in its legislation.
The fifth part discusses the current situation and the system reconstruction of the right of civil procedure selection in our country. From two aspects of China's theoretical research and legislative situation, the present situation of the civil procedure selection right of our country is analyzed. On this basis, the basic ideas of improving and guaranteeing the right of civil procedure selection are put forward.


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1 孙芸;论当事人在民事诉讼中的程序选择权[D];中国政法大学;2006年

2 杨万;论当事人民事程序选择权[D];西南政法大学;2007年

3 包斯琴;论当事人的民事程序选择权[D];内蒙古大学;2007年

4 段灵芝;论民事程序选择权[D];太原科技大学;2007年

5 王宇;论我国的民事程序选择权[D];中国政法大学;2008年

6 胡玉荣;民事诉讼当事人处分权研究[D];内蒙古大学;2008年

7 刘丹杰;论民事诉讼中的程序选择权[D];内蒙古大学;2008年

8 梁松;论我国证券仲裁法律制度的完善[D];中国政法大学;2008年

9 李振华;民事程序选择权研究[D];广西民族大学;2007年

10 叶锋;论民事程序选择权[D];对外经济贸易大学;2006年




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