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发布时间:2018-07-05 11:17

  本文选题:民事诉讼 + 庭前会议制度 ; 参考:《南京师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In 2015, China's interpretation of the Civil procedure Law formally established the system of pretrial conference. The so-called pre-court meeting system refers to the focus of the dispute over the case that the court convenes both parties before the formal trial, after the proceedings belong to the court. Meetings in which the parties are prepared to consult on evidence presented in court and other matters conducive to facilitating the proceedings. From the point of view of the objective of ensuring the centralized trial of the trial, the pretrial meeting and the pretrial preparatory procedure are consistent, but from their denotation, the pretrial preparatory procedure is the superior concept of the pretrial meeting, and they belong to the relationship between inclusion and inclusion. Although the antecedents are named as meetings, from the legislative examples of civil law countries and the traditional practice of judicial practice in our country, we should make an expanded interpretation of "meeting", that is, the form of pre-trial meeting includes both the conference type and the court session type. The system of pre-trial meeting in civil litigation in China is gradually established in the constant exploration of judicial practice and legal theory, and its function includes not only the clear and fixed points of contention and the function of trial preparation of evidence. It also includes the independent procedural function of promoting the reconciliation of the parties to terminate the litigation, which is the concrete embodiment of the value of justice and efficiency in the pretrial procedure of civil litigation. After years of judicial practice in various courts of our country, the system of pre-court meeting has played a positive role in the reform of the trial mode of civil litigation and brought into play the proper function of the system. However, some problems have been exposed in the application of the system. First of all, due to the lack of routine, effective procedural safeguards and uniform legal norms, there are significant differences in the operation of pre-trial meetings in different courts and even in different courts. The concrete manifestation is that the scope of applicable cases and the scope of the evidence exchanged are not uniform, the time and times are not unified, the moderator and the legal effect are not unified. Secondly, because of the lack of a deep understanding of the concept of the reform of the civil trial mode, There are different understandings on the orientation of the pre-trial meeting, the exchange of evidence and the arrangement of the points of contention. The effect of the pre-court meeting often depends on the judge's professional ability and discretion. In view of the above problems, based on the current trial practice in our country and drawing on the useful experience and lessons of foreign countries, this paper tries to put forward some suggestions on the perfection of the pretrial conference and its related system. First, the Supreme people's Court shall make uniform, quantifiable and operational rules for the operation of pre-court meetings in the form of judicial interpretation in order to raise its legal rank in the future. In order to ensure the effective operation of the pre-court meeting system in the civil litigation system, it is necessary to establish the system of compulsory defense, establish the system of giving orders for evidence, and perfect the system of interpretation of judges and other related supporting systems.


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