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发布时间:2018-07-06 07:42

  本文选题:虚假诉讼 + 诉权 ; 参考:《太原科技大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In the field of civil litigation in China, the phenomenon of malicious collusion of litigants to bring false litigation becomes more and more serious, which not only infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of the third party outside the case, but also wastes the judicial resources of the country and reduces the credibility of the judiciary. Therefore, the containment of false litigation is imminent. The identification standard of false litigation lies in that the parties use the right of false action to collude and use the jurisdiction of the court to obtain the effective judgment against others. On this basis, the causes of false litigation are various, the lack of the concept of good faith leads to the abuse of the right of action, the current litigation model, mediation system and the impact of the filing system, It makes it difficult for judicial organs to identify false litigation in trial practice, and the lack of legal regulation intensifies the severity of false litigation. In order to effectively curb the occurrence of false litigation, we must establish a pluralistic regulatory system, under the guidance of the basic concepts of safeguarding the right of action and preventing the abuse of litigation, pay attention to the balance between the relativity of the validity of judgment and the one-off settlement of disputes. From strengthening the construction of procedural law and substantive law at the same time, strengthening the perfection of concrete countermeasures, regulating the abuse of the right of action, strengthening the judicial initiative and coordinating the civil and criminal procedure, we should pay attention to the relief of the outsider in the case at the same time. Under the joint action of various aspects, a complete system of containing false litigation is constructed.


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