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发布时间:2018-07-06 07:25

  本文选题:未定罪没收 + 民事没收 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2015年博士论文

[Abstract]:In order to combat major crimes such as corruption, bribery, terrorist activities and the effective confiscation of the property involved, the system of unconvicted confiscation was established in the criminal procedure law in 2012. This system refers to the application of the subject of confiscation with the subject of confiscation and the confiscation of illegal income and other related property in the case of the conviction of the accused and the accused. This article is composed of the introduction, the text and the conclusion part, and the text is divided into five chapters. The introduction explains the reason and purpose of writing, the present situation at home and abroad, the theoretical significance and practical value, the research method and the innovation. The first chapter is an overview of the unconvicted confiscation system. The unconvicted confiscation system has different appellations in various countries. It is more appropriate for the state to call it a confiscation system. It embodies the characteristics of the system, which is not the basis of confiscation, and is conducive to a similar system with extraterritorial applications. There is a dispute over the property of the confiscation procedure at home and abroad. Some of the jurisprudence of Australia also holds this view. But the United Nations Convention against corruption and the 2002 law on the recovery of the proceeds of crime in the United Kingdom believe that they have both the property and the penalty. The procedure for the confiscation of non convictions in our country is stipulated in the criminal procedure law, which not only embodies the punitive nature of the legislative purpose, but also the procedural participants are basically the same as the ordinary criminal procedure. It should be a criminal procedure. However, the application of the case, the scope of the property and the premise of its application are special, so it should belong to the special procedure of the criminal procedure. The establishment of the system of confiscation of the crime of impartiality has a legitimate basis. It is believed that the system violates the human rights of the suspect and the accused, and affects the procedural justice and only It is created to solve the practical problems. In addition, the confiscation of the criminal and criminal property is in violation of the principle of presumption of innocence. In fact, the system of unconvicted confiscation is the result of balancing the value of justice and efficiency, and is a loss of the necessary limits of due process. The establishment of the system conforms to the requirements of Jiao Zhengzheng's righteousness. The good operation of the system can be fully implemented. The system ensures the legal property rights of the persons involved in the case. The system separates the handling of the property involved and the criminal responsibility of the suspect, so it does not violate the principle of presumption of innocence. The confiscation of the crime is not a means of punishment. Even if the procedure for the confiscation of the conviction is parallel to the criminal procedure, it is not contrary to the "principle of no longer". The civil confiscation (recovery) system of Britain and the United States and other countries As well as Germany, the separate confiscation system in the Taiwan area of our country has similar functions to our country's non convicted confiscation system. The application purpose of the civil confiscation system and the application of the property scope and application premise are similar to that of our country. The second chapter is the start of the procedure for the confiscation of the offense and the related issues. The proceedings of the confiscation of the non convictions are initiated because of the application of confiscation. In view of the starting conditions of the procedure, the civil confiscation procedure in the United States is related to the reasonable suspicion of property and the crime; the British civil pursuit is pursued. The procedure is the necessity of the existence of criminal offenses and the confiscation of illegal income; the starting conditions for the three civil pursuit procedures, such as the Australian fine order, are reasonable based on the suspicion that the specific property belongs to the income of a specific crime; the separate confiscation procedure in the Taiwan region of our country is the existence of the property that violates the prohibited goods and the proceeds of the crime; Germany alone does not. The collection procedure is the property that should be confiscated when it is unable to prosecute and judge the accused; Singapore's separate confiscation procedure is the confiscated property to be confiscated when the accused of corruption and bribery, such as corruption and bribery, should be confiscated. The meaning of the death of a criminal suspect or the defendant; the deletion of the arrest warrant required to reach a "one year failure to the case"; to clarify the conditions for the initiation of a joint crime; the case of an un convicted confiscation due to the limitation period of the prosecution or the special amnesty. The main body of the civil confiscation procedure in the United States is the Ministry of justice, the Ministry of Finance and the postal service, etc. the subject of the admissibility is the court of confiscation of jurisdiction. The main body of the civil pursuit procedure in the United Kingdom is the director of the asset recovery Bureau, the minister of Scotland, the subject of the high court or the highest civil in Scotland. The main body of the Australian civil pursuit procedure is the chief or prosecutor of the office of the prosecutor. The main body of the admissible subject is the jurisdiction of the court. The main body of the German confiscation procedure is the procuratorate or the self-prosecution, the subject of the admissible subject is the court of jurisdiction. According to the provisions of the victim's right of appeal, the procedure for the non convictions and confiscation of our country should give the victim the right to start the procedure and the right to appeal. In the subject of acceptance, our country should adhere to the intermediate court as the subject of acceptance and trial. The scope of cases applicable to the non convictions confiscation procedure is closely related to the initiation of the procedure. The civil confiscation of the United States is applicable to most of the federal criminal acts; the British civil pursuit procedure applies to criminal offences in the country or the criminal acts that occur in the extraterritorial manner; the Australian civil pursuit procedure is applicable to the crime of public prosecution or a serious crime. According to the provisions of the criminal procedure law, the scope of "crime of corruption and bribery", the scope of "terrorist crime" should be defined, the scope of drug crime and money laundering are included in the scope of the emphasis listed in the law, and "such major crimes" should be understood as the stipulation of the bottom of the pocket. To determine the "possible sentence of the above sentence of life imprisonment", from the impact of the consequences and the amount involved in the case or the amount of the loss to determine the "greater impact", and delete the provisions of "other major criminal cases". The applicable scope of the property is the property of the proceeds of crime and the tools of the crime. Taiwan is confiscated on a separate basis and the confiscation of the property of the specialist. However, the scope of the applicable property in our country is not clear and the definition of the legal terms is not clear. It should be identified from the broad scope of the "property obtained by the crime"; and the "property for the crime used" should be bounded. It is defined as a criminal preparation, attempted and accomplished criminal tool; defined "contraband" from a narrow sense and determined whether it belongs to "contraband" at the time of the referee. In the end, it should establish a system of bona fide acquisition of stolen goods and exclude it from the scope of the confiscation of unconvicted confiscation. A sound property preservation system is an unconvicted confiscation process. The civil confiscation (recovery) procedure of foreign countries highlights the judicial control of property preservation and the appropriateness of property preservation measures, and establishes a supporting system for property trusteeship and property guarantee. The principle of judicial review and the principle of proportion in our country are missing and the matching system is not perfect. The principle of law, the standard of the concrete preservation measures, the subject of approval and the scope of the application of the warrant. In addition, our country should also establish the system of property trusteeship, the dissenting system of property preservation, the system of property division and return, and the system of property guarantee involving the case. The third chapter is the operation of the unconvicted confiscation procedure. The order of the first instance in China is divided into two categories: summary procedure and judicial trial procedure. Civil confiscation cases applicable to judicial proceedings include a pre court investigation, application for review and trial, and can be applied to jury trial. In the Australian civil pursuit procedure, a notification should be issued to the stakeholders after the application of confiscation, such as someone. The objection comes into the judicial procedure. All the countries outside the country pay attention to the protection of the rights of the interested persons. The procedure setting of the first instance of our country is not perfect, and the rights of the suspects, the accused and the interested persons are not fully guaranteed. Time limit. To strengthen the protection of the rights of the suspects and the defendants from the improvement of the notice system and the provisions of the revolving procedure and the establishment of the system of designated litigation and agency; to strengthen the interests of the interested persons from the aspects of improving the right to inform and the court, giving it the right to apply for legal aid and the clear case of the confiscation of the conviction. In accordance with the procedure of the second instance of the confiscation of the non convictions, the British civil pursuit procedure stipulates that the applicant and the right holder are in different areas, and can be submitted to the criminal court, the supreme civil court, and so on, to appeal the criminal confiscation of the criminal proceeds of the.<2002 year, as stipulated in the criminal confiscation, which is similar to the confiscation of the offense, the director of the asset recovery Bureau and the prosecutor. The propositions can appeal to the court of appeal and the house of Lords for the confiscation of this kind. In the Australian civil pursuit procedure, the prosecutor and the rights propositions may appeal against the confiscation order. The time limit for appeal and protest stipulated in the second trial procedure of our country is not appropriate, and it is not given to the procuratorial organs at the first level to withdraw the right of protest and is not clearly stipulated. Therefore, our country should extend the appeal and protest period to 10 days, give the procuratorial organ of the first class to withdraw the right of protest and clearly stipulate that the second instance should be trial. The relief procedure which is not convicted of confiscation is beneficial to guarantee the rights of all parties involved. The provisions of the period of time stipulate how to remedies the ruling ruling. The German Criminal Procedure Law provides for the remedies of the ruling individual confiscation adjudication and the right to dissenting the three party to the ruling ruling. The provisions of the procedure for the rotation of property in China's relief procedures are imperfect, and the right to appeal to other interested parties and the procuratorial organs of first instance are not provided. Therefore, our country should improve the main body of the operation of the property revolution and the reclaim and compensation measures for the wrongful confiscation of property, the right to appeal to other interested parties and the right to appeal to the procuratorial organ of the first instance. The fourth chapter is the system of proof of the confiscation of the non convictions. The principal of the civil confiscation (recovery) procedure of the United States and the United Kingdom It is necessary to prove that the object is the existence of illegal and criminal behavior and the property that should be confiscated, as well as the substantive connection between the criminal act and the confiscation of property. The object of proof in the procedure of unconvicted confiscation in our country should include the criminal suspect, the defendant has the fact of the crime, the property belongs to the scope of the confiscation and the legality of the evidence. The basic principle of the distribution of responsibility in the civil confiscation of the United States, the United States of America, is the basic principle of the burden of proof. The individual confiscation procedure in Germany stipulates the burden of proof for the interested persons. The British civil pursuit procedure establishes the inversion of the burden of proof under specific circumstances. The international conventions, such as the anti-corruption convention, are aimed at organized crime. And the corruption crime stipulates the inversion of the burden of proof on the problem of property legality. The procedure of the non conviction confiscation in our country should stipulate the burden of proof on the objection when the interested party is to claim the right of the confiscation of property; the inversion of the burden of proof should be applied to the problem of property legality in the crime of corruption and bribery. The proof of the application of the procedure for the confiscation of the crime of inconviction is applicable. There are considerable disputes. The United States, Ireland, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa, Australia and the British civil confiscation procedures apply the proof of the evidence of superiority. The standard of proof applicable to the predominance evidence in our non convictions confiscation procedure can guarantee the independence of the procedure and avoid confusion between the confiscation of the convictions and the confiscation of convictions and the convenience of me. The convergence of confiscation procedures and similar procedures outside the country is not yet convicted, and the standard of proof reflects the conviction and confiscation procedure as a criminal procedure.


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