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发布时间:2018-07-06 07:12

  本文选题:狭义执行和解 + 广义执行和解 ; 参考:《当代法学》2017年01期

[Abstract]:The enforcement reconciliation in our country has already possessed the conditions for the study of the theory of interpretation of law. On the one hand, the new provisions of the Civil procedure Law in 2016 reveal the nature of public law in the enforcement of reconciliation, and together with the existing judicial interpretations, delineate the subjective and objective scope of the enforcement of reconciliation. On the other hand, the precedent judgment of the Supreme people's Court continues the legal interpretation of the law and judicial interpretation, and clarifies the vague expression of the legal texts on the issue of the blemish of the effect of the enforcement settlement and the issue of the rescission of the validity. From the angle of legal interpretation, it should be considered that the system of enforcement and reconciliation of Chinese law has basically completed its systematic construction. Under this background, this paper tries to sum up the endogenous legal rules of Chinese law from the legal text and judicial practice, and compares each legal rule with the relevant theories of German law and Japanese law, and then makes use of the writing style of Kommentar. The resources of legislation, theory, judicature and so on are included in the legal text of Article 230 of the Civil procedure Law.
【作者单位】: 日本一桥大学法学院;


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