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发布时间:2018-07-06 10:13

  本文选题:汉代 + 居延案例 ; 参考:《华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2013年04期

[Abstract]:Kohn case, Zhao Xuan case and Dead Ju case are valuable historical materials to study civil litigation in Han Dynasty, but their interpretation is always controversial. The focus is: is there a tendency to criminalize civil issues in the Cowen case? " Zhao Xuan case "Why the amount of money collected and debts do not match?" What is the nature of the death Ju case? Through a comprehensive investigation of the bamboo slips of Juyan Han Dynasty, we can see that there is no tendency to criminalize civil problems in the "Cohen case", and that the mismatch in the amount of money in the "Zhao Xuan case" is a false impression caused by our under-estimated number of debt collection times. And the judgment in the death-foal case is civil in subject. Finally, we can sum up the characteristics of civil litigation in Han Dynasty combined with the two-year law unearthed from Zhangjiashan. These characteristics show that the Han Dynasty civil proceedings and criminal proceedings are significantly different, and has entered the "trial according to law" stage of development.
【作者单位】: 华东师范大学思勉人文高等研究院;


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