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发布时间:2018-07-06 14:16

  本文选题:未成年人 + 犯罪记录 ; 参考:《福州大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Law is the crystallization of the progress and wisdom of human civilization. With the continuous development of the society, the law will change more or less to meet the needs of the development of the new productive forces. Since the reform and opening to the outside world, the law has been matched with the market economy in order to build a socialistic market economy with Chinese characteristics. The laws and regulations have made great progress on the land of Shenzhou. For more than 30 years, people are surprised to find that because of the rapid development of the economy, many related factors affected by the market economy have been revealed quickly. People's ideas of rights, freedom and equality are also nurtured, and some policies and legal systems that are consistent with modern ideas are not. It can be avoided in front of the people. The 275th article of the criminal procedure law amended in 2012 has established the system of the record seal of juvenile delinquency. From the original intention of the system, it is mainly to limit the public record of the crime. According to the provisions of the "judicial needs", the "relevant units" obviously reduce the tightness of the secrecy and obviously weaken the protection of the parties. Although the existence of the criminal record has its proper and reasonable side to a certain extent, it will not only make it come from the society for the minors who are not deeply involved in the moment. There will be different degrees of discrimination, and there may be a negative and even destructive effect on its future. Although China has not formally established the system of minors' criminal record elimination at the legal level, in recent years, many places have begun to try the specific operation of the elimination of juvenile delinquency records. It has accumulated valuable experience for the establishment of the criminal record elimination system of minors in China, and also put forward the "two meetings" in.2010 years for the timely introduction of the system at the national level. The representative of the people's Congress who actively paid attention to the construction of the rule of law put forward a proposal to establish "the abolition system of juvenile delinquency" and designed the system. It is the mainstream of the modern rule of law to highlight the concept of equality and respect the spirit of human rights. In the criminal legislation of our country, it is the social progress and the inevitable requirement for the development of the law to leave a place for the elimination of the criminal records of the minors in our country. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this thesis is divided into five parts: the first part: the juvenile delinquency A summary of the system of record elimination. The part mainly defines the concept of the criminal record and the system of the elimination of criminal records, and thinks that the following is the paving for the demonstration. The second part: the inspection of the elimination system of the criminal records of the minors outside the country. This part of this part is made from the general situation of the system of the elimination of criminal records, with the emphasis on Germany and Russia two. As a representative, a comparative analysis is used to review the specific mode of the abolition system of juvenile delinquency records in the two countries and provide a reference for the construction of the system for the elimination of juvenile delinquency records suitable for the national conditions of our country. The third part: the necessity of constructing the system for the elimination of juvenile delinquency records in our country. We have signed the theory and analyzed the hard injuries caused by the label effect to the minor offenders. At the same time, the necessity of establishing the system for the elimination of juvenile delinquency records in China is discussed and emphasized in two aspects of conforming to the needs of the natural attributes of minors and based on the needs of the criminal policy of tempering leniency. The fourth part: the establishment of the juvenile delinquency in China The feasibility of recording the abolition system is recorded. This part includes three aspects. First, the Confucian cultural tradition of "the old and the young" has provided a profound cultural soil for the abolition system of the criminal record of the grafted minors in our country. Secondly, the limitations of the current criminal record seal system in China are objectively analyzed. Unable to meet the actual requirements for the protection of the maximum rights and interests of the minor offenders in the international treaties. Finally, with the experience of the pilot experience of the elimination system of juvenile delinquency records in parts of the country in recent years, the conditions for establishing the system for the elimination of criminal records in our country are mature. The fifth part: the construction of minors in China The specific thinking of the system of criminal record elimination mainly clarifies the applicable object of the system, sets up an investigation organization and main functions, sets a reasonable inspection period, chooses the method of elimination suitable for the national conditions of our country, the specific procedure and clear the legal effect after the elimination, and designs in four aspects the failure to meet the national conditions of our country. The relevant contents of the abolition system of adult criminal records.


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