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发布时间:2018-07-06 14:02

  本文选题:捕后羁押 + 羁押必要性审查 ; 参考:《河北大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In criminal proceedings in China, custody is not a statutory independent coercive measure, but a natural state of criminal detention and arrest. The examination of the necessity of custody is a system that the judicial authorities exercise the power of custody and are responsible for explaining. In short, whether the accused continues to be detained or not is examined by the people's Procuratorate and is responsible for explaining the reasons for the unnecessary detention or the alteration of other coercive measures. The establishment of the system of examining the necessity of custody can play a better role in supervising the phenomenon of "arrest as a substitute for punishment", which is an important manifestation of self-supervision by supervisory organs. Its main function is to avoid exceeding the period as far as possible. Illegal detention: reduce judicial errors; constantly protect the human rights of prisoners. Because the Criminal procedure Law of our country has only made the principle stipulation to the necessity examination system of custody, some provisions are too vague, and the subject, the way, the scope, the content and the time limit of the examination are not clear. In this regard, although the Criminal procedure rules of the people's Procuratorate revised in 2013 (on a trial basis) have made certain provisions on the above-mentioned issues, they have still failed to effectively solve the problem of their lack of maneuverability. As a result, the function of the necessity examination system of custody has not been given full play. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct in-depth analysis and research on the relevant problems existing in the examination system of the necessity of custody and its application in criminal proceedings in China. In order to further improve the necessity of detention review system and solve the relevant problems in the application of the system countermeasures. This article mainly divides into four parts to analyze and study the necessity of custody review system. The first part is to comb and discuss the necessity of custody review system from the basic theoretical point of view, including the concept of the necessity of custody review system. Characteristics and the basis and significance of the existence of the system. The second part is mainly from the review of the existing domestic and foreign detention necessity review system legislative system and system norms, on the basis of analyzing and comparing the differences between domestic and foreign systems. This paper probes into the beneficial experience of the examination system of the necessity of detaining in foreign countries and the enlightenment of perfecting the detaining system in our country. The third part mainly through the introduction of the evolution and development of the necessity examination system of custody in our country and the stipulation of "the provisions of the people's Procuratorate on the necessity of Detention Review cases (trial)" promulgated by the Supreme people's Procuratorate in 2016. This paper probes into the problems existing in the procedure of examining the necessity of custody in our country. The fourth part is to put forward the corresponding suggestions and suggestions for the defects of the necessity examination system of custody in our country.


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