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发布时间:2018-07-07 15:46

  本文选题:附条件不起诉 + 检察机关 ; 参考:《河北大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, the crime rate of minors in our country has been increasing year by year, and with the development of the times, juvenile delinquency has appeared the tendency of younger age, gang and violence. How to effectively prevent juvenile delinquency has received extensive attention from all walks of life in society, strengthen the judicial protection of minors, actively explore the decriminalization of juvenile delinquency, and attach importance to the application of preventive and corrective measures to minors. It has become the development direction of juvenile justice system. At present, the international system of discretion and non-prosecution is more suitable for solving this problem. The system of discretionary non-prosecution has been in operation in Germany, the United States and Japan, as well as in Taiwan, Macao and other regions of China for many years, and has relatively mature experience. Combined with our country's basic national conditions, conditional non-prosecution system emerged as the times require. Conditional non-prosecution, as an alternative to prosecution in the decriminalization of misdemeanours, can play a better role in effectively resolving criminal disputes and preventing and rectifying crimes. In this context, the new Code of Criminal procedure adds the system of non-prosecution with conditions applicable to juvenile delinquency, which conforms to the principle of litigation economy and is conducive to the return of minors to society, but in practice, The system of conditional non-prosecution has some problems, such as narrow scope of application, imperfect investigation mechanism of help and education, imperfect relief system and so on. This paper makes a comparative analysis of the definition, applicable scope and conditions of the conditional non-prosecution system, the inspection of help and education, the relief and restriction mechanism during the test period, and puts forward some suggestions for improvement. With a view to our conditional non-prosecution system to further improve the benefit. Compared with other countries and regions, the scope of application and conditions of conditional non-prosecution system in our country are more stringent, only applicable to minors and also need to have a lot of conditions. According to the provisions of the Criminal procedure Law, the people's Procuratorate supervises and inspects the suspects who are not prosecuted under the attached conditions, that is, the procuratorial organs directly carry out the investigation of assistance and education. The author believes that the procuratorial organ, as a legal supervision organ, should supervise the investigation of help and education, not the suspect directly. Because it is the procuratorial organ that makes the decision not to prosecute under conditions, and the procuratorial organ that carries out the inspection of help and education, and it is the procuratorial organ that decides whether to prosecute according to the result of the inspection at the expiration of the test period. The procuratorial organ is both an athlete and a umpire, which inevitably affects the neutrality of the judiciary. At the same time, the procuratorial organ is not a special organization for helping and educating, its manpower, material resources, and financial resources are limited, so it is inevitable that the inspection of help and education is mere formality, which affects the effect of helping and educating; conditional non-prosecution is one of the discretionary powers of the procuratorial organs. If the corresponding power restriction mechanism is not established, it may lead to the abuse of the discretion of prosecution, which will easily lead to judicial injustice and judicial corruption, especially a new thing, such as conditional non-prosecution system, which is still immature. More need for effective supervision and control to regulate. In view of the above deficiencies in the system of conditional non-prosecution, this paper, based on the comparison of the relevant laws and regulations of foreign countries and the general practice, suggests that the scope and conditions of application of conditional non-prosecution should be appropriately relaxed. In order to promote the development and perfection of this mechanism, we should set up a socialized mode of investigation, help and educate, advocate the mechanism of non-prosecution with conditions, strengthen the supervision of law enforcement and prevent the abuse of discretion.


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