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发布时间:2018-07-07 22:57

  本文选题:控辩平衡 + 庭审实质化 ; 参考:《安徽大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The materialization of trial is the direction and goal of our country's criminal judicial reform in the future, and the balance of prosecution and defense is the guarantee of the materialization of trial. Without the equal confrontation and checks and balances between the two sides, the judicial organs could not identify the evidence in time, find out the facts of the case, and turn the trial into the center of the criminal justice process. From the angle of the balance of prosecution and defense, this paper studies the materialization of the trial and emphasizes the close relationship between the two. Firstly, the article is the theoretical basis of the trial materialization from the angle of the balance of prosecution and defense. After analyzing the basic meaning of the relevant concepts, the author thinks that the essence of the trial under the balance of prosecution and defense needs the equality of the state and the individual status, and the guidance of the consensus system of the criminal procedure. The system of agreement in criminal procedure is to introduce the concepts of contract and expression of will into the field of criminal procedure. The premise of litigation agreement is the equality of prosecution and defense, and the two sides reach agreement through negotiation on the basis of equality. Then the article discusses the main problems and their causes of the trial in the perspective of the balance of prosecution and defense, and thinks that the main problem in the substantive trial is the file centralism of the trial mode. From the point of view of the balance of prosecution and prosecution, the file materials are produced by the investigating and public prosecution organs, and the defense and their defenders cannot participate in the formulation of the procedure, or even the opportunity to read the facts and understand the contents of the file materials. The variation of the pre-court meeting and the normalization of the out-of-court activities, however, the pre-court meeting has been deformed and many problems have appeared, which have affected the substance of the trial, and can not guarantee the balance of the prosecution and defense in the pre-court meeting. The biggest problem of the pre-court meeting is the trend of materialization, which sets up the trial procedure, and many problems which should not be decided by the pre-court meeting also rush into the pre-court meeting to be dealt with by the pre-court meeting. The choice of the content of the trial, the prevalence of out-of-court adjudication. The main reason for these problems is that investigative centralism affects the administration of trial and judicial activities. Finally, the article studies the realization path of the trial materialization from the angle of the balance of prosecution and defense. Specifically, the basic requirement of equal armed forces is that the right of the prosecution and the defense must be equitably balanced in the legislation. This requires that the criminal procedure law endow the procuratorate and the defendant with the equal rights and duties of litigation, so that the prosecution and defense can participate in the lawsuit equally and effectively, and promote the settlement of disputes. The establishment of the principle of direct speech in the trial mode requires the judge to examine all the evidence directly and all the evidence can be taken as the basis of the judgment only after the judge directly investigates the evidence. Changing the legal position of the file and clearly stipulating that all kinds of materials in the file before the trial, including the testimony of the witness, the statement of the victim, the statement of the defendant, etc., are only the raw materials of evidence and do not necessarily have the evidentiary capacity. Only after trial cross-examination and examination can we decide whether we have the validity and the ability of evidence. Perfect appraisal personnel, witness appear in court system. In order to ensure the balance of prosecution and defense, both the prosecution and the defense should be given the right to initiate the pre-court meeting. From the point of view of the moderator, consideration should be given to the distinction between the presiding officer and the collegiate panel member. Strengthen the role of the defender in the trial meeting. To perfect the provisions on the validity of the pre-court meeting. To ensure the decision in court, strengthen the independence of the collegiate panel, and reduce the improper judgment of the chairman, the president and the jury. One of the aims of judicial reform is to improve the effect of adjudication in court. Enrich the trial investigation, promote the evidence, perfect the trial investigation procedure and strengthen the defense's right of cross-examination.


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