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发布时间:2018-07-07 21:46

  本文选题:刑事诉讼 + 民事诉讼 ; 参考:《兰州大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:保障人权是世界各国所共同关注的重大问题,也是现代国家实现法治化、民主化的重要标志。但是,既有的刑事司法实践在人权保障问题上更多的将注意力集中了在刑事被告人上,而刑事被害人权利保护没有得到应有的重视。在我国构建社会主义和谐社会的时代背景下,如何提升刑事被害人的地位,切实保障刑事被害人的权利,让公正司法和人权保障的阳光照耀和惠及刑事被害人,是刑事被害人附带民事诉讼权利保护制度研究的出发点和落脚点,是需要国家、政府、法学界以及全社会共同关注的重大问题。 本文采取比较的方式考察了平行诉讼模式和附带诉讼模式的典型国家—美国、英国、法国和德国对刑事被害人权利保护制度,采用理论与实际结合的方式分析了我国刑事被害人附带民事诉讼权利保护的不足并提出自己的完善建议,以期在我国刑事附带民事诉讼制度完善进程中更加注重被害人权利保护。 第一部分,刑事被害人附带民事诉讼权利保护制度内涵阐述,包括对刑事被害人附带民事诉讼权利保护的历史沿革、发展现状、相关概述,价值追求以及理论之争进行阐述。 第二部分,对典型诉讼模式国家刑事被害人权利保护制度的考察,重点考察了平行诉讼模式典型国家美国和英国,附带诉讼模式典型国家法国和德国的刑事被害人权利保护的现状和特点,从中发现值得借鉴和反思的先进理念和做法,为完善我国刑事被害人附带民事诉讼权利保护制度起到较好的借鉴作用。 第三部分,对刑事被害人附带民事诉讼权利保护的不足进行分析:对存在刑民诉讼关系对立包括附带民事诉讼属性、价值取向选择、法律原则适用和证明标准采用四方面的问题、刑事被害人损害赔偿请求范围不合理以及损害赔偿裁判执行难等问题进行阐述。 第四部分,对刑事被害人附带民事诉讼权利保护的完善提出建议,完善的主要内容是:首先树立正确的司法理念,实现恢复性司法、坚持国家责任说、打破先刑后民原则、加强附带民事诉讼独立性,扩大刑事被害人损害赔偿请求范围,增设刑事和解和刑事被害人国家补偿制度等保障刑事被害人获得民事赔偿与救济的配套机制。
[Abstract]:The protection of human rights is a major concern of all countries in the world. It is also an important symbol of the realization of the rule of law and democratization in modern countries. However, the existing practice of criminal justice focuses more attention on the criminal defendants on the protection of human rights, and the protection of the rights of the criminal victims has not received due attention. Under the background of constructing socialist harmonious society in our country, how to improve the position of criminal victim, protect the rights of criminal victim, let the sunshine of just judicature and human rights guarantee shine and benefit the criminal victim, It is the starting point and the end of the research on the protection system of the criminal victim's incidental civil litigation right. It is a major problem that needs the common attention of the country, the government, the legal circles and the whole society. This paper takes a comparative approach to examine the system of protecting the rights of criminal victims in the United States, Britain, France and Germany, which are typical countries of parallel litigation mode and incidental litigation mode. By combining theory with practice, this paper analyzes the deficiency of the protection of criminal victim's incidental civil litigation right and puts forward his own perfect suggestion. We hope to pay more attention to the protection of victims' rights in the process of perfecting our criminal incidental civil procedure system. The first part, the criminal victim incidental civil litigation rights protection system connotation, including the criminal victim incidental civil litigation rights protection history, development status, related overview, value pursuit and theoretical debate. In the second part, the author investigates the system of protecting the rights of criminal victims in the typical litigation mode countries, especially the United States and the United Kingdom, which are the typical countries of the parallel litigation mode. The status quo and characteristics of criminal victim rights protection in France and Germany, which are typical countries of incidental litigation mode, are found to be worthy of reference and reflection of advanced ideas and practices. In order to perfect our criminal victim incidental civil litigation rights protection system play a better reference role. In the third part, the author analyzes the deficiency of the protection of the criminal victim's incidental civil litigation right: the opposites of criminal lawsuit including the attribute of incidental civil action, the choice of value orientation, The application of legal principles and the standard of proof are discussed in four aspects, such as the unreasonable scope of criminal victim's claim for damages and the difficulty in enforcing the judgment of damages. In the fourth part, the author puts forward some suggestions on the perfection of the protection of the criminal victim's incidental civil litigation rights. The main contents of the perfection are: first, to establish the correct judicial idea, to realize the restorative justice, to adhere to the theory of national responsibility, to break the principle of first punishment before the people. We should strengthen the independence of incidental civil proceedings, expand the scope of criminal victims' claims for damages, and add complementary mechanisms to ensure that criminal victims receive civil compensation and relief, such as criminal reconciliation and the system of state compensation for criminal victims.


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