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发布时间:2018-07-07 20:41

  本文选题:公众 + 环境权利 ; 参考:《海南大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:From the birth of the Republic to now, the gross economic volume of China has shown a rapid growth of geometric and digital levels, but with it is the environment deteriorating and the national physical quality gradually declining. Whether the citizen's own litigation right can be extended to the field of environmental civil public interest litigation is now a very difficult but concerned topic. In terms of policy, the decision on strengthening environmental protection promoted by the State Council has for the first time refined and clarified the environmental civil public interest litigation at the central level. In real life, Peking University teachers and students sued PetroChina Songhua River pollution case because the subject did not have legal qualifications and finally hasty. It is not difficult to see that there is no small gap between theory and practice and citizens' yearning for a better environment. Coincidentally, as citizens, we are precisely the most concerned about the surrounding environment, the most familiar part. On the other hand, many countries in the field of environmental civil public interest litigation not only did not close the door of litigation to citizens, but encouraged citizens and public power organs to act together to maintain the common home on the basis of the coordinated action of public and private relief. In view of this, it is necessary to re-examine the theoretical and practical incoordination of this problem in theory, and to seek a reasonable solution in our country on the basis of drawing lessons from foreign experience. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part of the first part introduces the reality of the plaintiff qualification system in environmental civil public interest litigation from the angle of the current judicial situation, enumerates and sums up the environmental protection law and a series of related laws and regulations. This paper clarifies the subject (excluding citizens) who enjoy the plaintiff's qualification at present, and points out the disadvantages caused by the citizen's lack of the plaintiff's qualification. The second part, by looking up and reading the relevant information at home and abroad, discusses the theoretical basis of why citizens can enjoy the plaintiff qualification, and tries to provide theoretical support for legislation to endow citizens with individual plaintiff qualifications. At the same time, on the basis of considering the advantages of citizens as plaintiffs and their own positive significance, this paper analyzes and demonstrates the legitimacy of the subject's qualification of plaintiff in environmental civil public interest litigation. The third part, from the perspective of foreign countries, especially the United States, India, Australia's system, we can easily find their respective flash of light. Facing the excellent experience of foreign countries, we can't panic, nor can we "throw the doctor in a hurry". We should construct the plaintiff qualification system of environmental civil public interest litigation on the basis of combining the reality and practice of our country. In the fourth part, the argument points out that the disadvantages such as the risk of excessive action and the limitation of the citizens' professional level on environmental problems are not the great beasts in the framework of efficient and reasonable system. Through a series of targeted ex ante measures, we can turn war into silk and release the enthusiasm of citizens as the subject of litigation. Finally, we can draw a conclusion: citizens, procuratorial organs, environmental protection organizations with certain conditions should learn from each other's weaknesses, cooperate with each other, and jointly supervise and maintain the green mountains and rivers of our country.


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