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发布时间:2018-07-10 00:12

  本文选题:信访制度 + 律师代理 ; 参考:《青岛大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:As a product of the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the history of letters and visits can be traced back to ancient China. The petition system has a broad social foundation, including all the responsibility to serve the people. Up to now, it still exerts the full realization of the right, supervises the power of the administrative organs, listens to the interests of the masses, resolves disputes and so on. However, with the continuous development of economy, the contradictions in social life intensify, the rights and powers, interests and conflicts appear, the people's discontent with the administrative organs is rising, resulting in a sharp increase in the number of letters and visits. The reasons for lawyers' representation in letters and visits are due to the various problems that appear in the current letters and visits, such as the high number of letters and visits, the wide range of cases involved in letters and visits, the frequent occurrence of violations of the rights of petitioners, and the lack of a necessary termination mechanism for letters and visits. As a result, the work efficiency of the relevant departments is low, and the petitioners have no way to sue. The regulations on Letters and visits promulgated in May 2005 have made corresponding amendments to the program design and operation mechanism of the petition system so as to alleviate the outstanding contradictions in the present letters and visits. Although supported by a legal system, the plight of petition work can not be solved by a new regulation. By expounding the plight of petition and the advantages of lawyer profession, this paper explains the rationality of lawyer's representation of petition, and analyzes the problems existing in lawyer's representation by referring to the system of foreign inspectors. By perfecting the detailed rules of lawyer's representation of letters and visits and the corresponding operating mechanism, this paper aims to solve the problems existing in the letters and visits and to push forward the rule of law society.


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